Chocolate Point Siamese Cat: History, Temperament, and Care (With Pictures)

Chocolate Point Siamese Cat
Photo by Pixabay
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Once strolling in the temples in Siam, presently Thailand, the legendary Siamese Cat is a work of art. Length and angularity are the defining features of this charming breed, captivating its onlookers with its mesmerizing looks and a social, almost chatty personality. Siamese cats come in various varieties, such as Flame Point Siamese, Blue Point Siamese, Lynx Point Siamese, and Chocolate Point Siamese.

Of all the Siamese breeds, Chocolate Point Siamese is the most popular and only the second variety recognized by the Cat Fanciers Association (CFA).

An overwhelming majority of these cats were seal-points—seal points were the first category to be recognized by the CFA. Over time genetic mutations rendered some other shades, which upon subsequent interest, were taken up by enthusiastic breeders for refinement. Until this day, the cat has three more recognized points, namely the chocolate, lilac, and blue point varieties.

Did You Know?

The Siamese cats owe their point patterns to a genetic mutation, resulting in partial albinism. But it happens to be temperature-dependent, giving these cats darker shade on the muzzle, paws, and tails. These are the colder regions of a cat since they are away from the core organs where the temperature is concentrated.

Chocolate Point Siamese Cat Breed Overview

Chocolate Point Siamese Cat Overview

Weight: 11 – 14 lbs.

Coat Color: Cream Mark: Chocolate Point

Life Expectancy: 08 – 15 Yrs.

Origin: Thailand

Appearance of Chocolate Point Siamese

Chocolate Point Siamese Cats are simply the same Siamese breed available in the chocolate point pattern. They share similar traits and features as the rest of their lines, except for the color of their point pattern. Their warm brown points contrast exquisitely against a wonderful ivory background.

The Siamese are very attractive cats with their long, slender, and muscular bodies and elegant point patterns. Their medium-sized bodies have elegant proportional structures, coming together to render a magnificent whole.

They have heads of a tapering wedge shape. Starting at the nose, the wedge extends in a triangle to the ear tips, forming a perfect shape. Their ears are large and triangular, eyes medium, almond-shaped and slanting, and straight, long noses. The bodies are sleek, elongated, and muscular, with slender necks, fine bones, long legs, long tapering tails, and small, oval paws. The Siamese are covered in soft, lustrous, fine-textured, and close-hanging coats.

Let’s understand the difference between two recognized Siamese breeds, Chocolate Point and Seal Point.
Read: Chocolate Point vs. Seal Point Siamese: Contrasts, Care, and FAQs 

Chocolate Point Siamese Personality and Temperament

With her captivating looks, ability to strike regal poses, and origins as the temple cats, you would assume they might be the self-indulgent ones. But this is far from true. Chocolate Point Siamese Cats are very friendly and vocal cats with loud personalities that like to be in the middle of the mess, preferably the center of your attention.

Behaving pretty much like a human baby, they crave your attention. It does not help much that their meows sound a lot like a crying baby. These are loving, social, and very loyal cats. But also very touchy at the same time.

Smart and inquisitive, they demand loads of affection from their family. Suitable for families with genuine admiration and patience for these cats, they do not do well when left alone. It is often suggested to get two of these, so they can find a playmate in each other.

With their inquisitive and social nature, intelligence, and utmost admiration for their humans, they love to be around their owners. They would prop themselves against their owners, try to sleep between their legs or laps, engage in fun games, and even play fetch.

Chocolate Point Siamese Cat History

Siamese Cats are an Asian breed originating from Thailand. Assumed to have descended from the cats that once roamed the Thai temples, it is the proud parent of an entire group of cat breeds referred to as the Siamese Breed Group. Their bloodline has sustained such breeds as the Balinese, Oriental Shorthair, and the Oriental Longhair.

A Thai native breed, it has existed for centuries, finding its mention in the Cat Book Poem or the Treatise on Siamese Cats in 130. The book is a collection of the native breeds, their colored illustrations, and poetic descriptions. It was only until the 19th century that it was first introduced to the western audience.

Its earliest debut includes an appearance at the Crystal Palace Show in 1871 in London. Followed by the first-ever import to the U.S., in the White House indeed, where a U.S. diplomate stationed in Bangkok sent it as a gift to the wife of the then President Rutherford B. Hayes.

In the years to come, more of these cats were imported. Feline enthusiasts then got down to establishing breeding programs, where over time, they began to favor a rather long, lithe body with a characteristic narrow head and a long tapering tail. This stands in contrast to the original, which though long, was not as sleek and tubular as its modern counterpart. 

Chocolate Point Siamese Cat Care


Generally speaking, the Siamese cats are pretty healthy and one of the longest living cats, surviving till their twenties. That said, they too, like the rest of their species, are susceptible to several health issues.

Generic Health Issues

1. Dental

Cats run the risk of tartar build-up on their teeth. This could lead to several diseases, such as gingivitis, eventually growing into periodontal disease. An infection with the potential to spread to the rest of the body, including kidneys and liver.

2. Bacterial/Viral Infection

Cats are highly susceptible to developing quite a few bacterial and viral infections. But these are easily preventable with a course of vaccines referred to as the core vaccines. Administration of these vaccines is highly recommended to ensure a healthy life for your pet.

Breed-Specific Health Issues

Besides the general feline illnesses, Siamese Cats have a genetic disposition for a few breed-specific conditions. 

Chocolate Point Siamese Cat
Photo by Helena Lopes
    1. Respiratory

The Chocolate Point Siamese head puts it at a higher risk of developing respiratory problems, such as chronic coughing and asthma. The latter can result in great difficulty in breathing, requiring more effort and accompanied by a noisy or wheezing sound.

    2. Amyloidosis

A condition that prompts abnormal accumulation of the protein amyloid. The build-up can reach colossal levels, leading to organ failure. Unfortunately, there is no direct remedy for the disease, and treatment involves managing the affected organs.

    3. Cancers

These cats are highly susceptible to developing certain cancers such as lymphosarcoma, intestinal cancer, and immunity-related disease.

                3.1. Lymphosarcoma

Lymphosarcoma or lymphoma is a type of cancer that results in excess production of lymphocytes, a type of white blood cells. Although detectable with a blood test and treatable, it is a rather painful infliction that demands a costly and lifelong treatment.

                3.2. Adenocarcinoma

A type of intestinal cancer, Adenocarcinoma results in large tumors surrounding the feline intestines. They can grow to the point of blocking the content flow in the intestines, causing the cats diarrhea, vomiting, or passing blood with their stools. Luckily a routine examination can warn a vet enough to go for further examination for the diagnosis.

    4. Progressive Retinal Atrophy

A side-effect of their partial albinism is that it hits their eyes too, leaving the Chocolate Point Siamese Cats’ eyes a mesmerizing vivid blue. Besides affecting their ability to see in lesser light like the rest of their species, it makes them more susceptible to progressive retinal atrophy.

An illness that ends up in the degeneration of the retina, the cells at the back of the eye that detect light, in worse case scenarios leading to blindness.

    5. Convergent Strabismus

A condition more commonly known as the crossed eyes, Convergent Strabismus is not painful and therefore does not ask for a treatment. However, a cat with this condition is obviously not fit for show purposes.

    6. Pica

This is not so much a health problem as a strange inclination among the Siamese to try to consume tiny objects that are not food. Typical targets can range from woolen balls or clothing to wooden, plastic, rubber, leather, and paper objects.

Since most of these objects cannot be digested, it can result in painful situations for the cat. Once it is identified, owners need to practice caution and preventive management besides the vet-suggested management plan.

Want to have this breed but not sure if it is hypoallergenic? This is what we discuss in “Are Siamese Cats Hypoallergenic?” 


As discussed, Chocolate Point Siamese is a very active, social, and vocal breed of cats. She needs daily stimuli to keep her healthy and happy. Leaving her to her own devices may have negative behavioral implications and have a poor effect on her mental health.

Keep her engaged with exciting toys such as feather poles and set time aside for daily play sessions. Install several scratching posts to account for their general feline behavior. It is a very intelligent breed and can be taught to play games like fetch.

Getting her the company of another cat or a family dog is also a good idea to keep her engaged in play and socialization. It is not advised to keep her outdoors, considering her loud and talkative nature and high energy level could get her into trouble. Taking her out for a run under supervision is fine, though. 


Siamese cats can easily be trained, thanks to their incredibly smart brains and the eagerness to socialize. Teaching to use the litter box is one of the first things you would want your cat to learn. This should not be a big deal with the Siamese as it is a very neat freak kind of breed. Other than that, teaching it a few command words and borrowing the help of a clicker to do so would be a good idea.

Those interesting in teaching their felines some of the fun tricks would be delighted to learn that the Siamese do very well on that front. They have a dog-like attitude when it comes to learning tricks and would be pleased to comply.


Since these cats have short coats, they do not need a lot of grooming. Most of the time, they do a very good job on their own. Nonetheless, they can benefit from a weekly combing. Similarly, brushing their teeth every week could keep them squeaky clean and prevent any dental problems. Other than that, keep a check on the length of their claws, trimming them from time to time. Besides, removing ear wax from time to time and inspecting their ears for signs of infection.

Is Chocolate Point Siamese Cat A Family Pet?

Is Chocolate Point Siamese Cat A Family Pet? It varies. While her loving and sociable nature makes it super easy to blend in with the family, the Siamese may not exactly be fun around small kids. She asks for your attention and would assume anyone else asking the same as a competitor. That said, it is cool around older kids and appreciates having other friendly pets, even dogs. A word of caution for the new owners: It is a very demanding and attention-seeking breed, and if you do not feel up to spending a dedicated couple of hours with the cat, it is best to find something else.

More About the Siamese Cat

If you enjoyed the piece or fancy a Siamese yourself, discover more varieties of the breed and decide which one you like better.


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