Almonds and all things, including milk made from almonds, are beneficial and nutritious for human beings. But is it safe for dogs to drink almond milk?

Can Dogs Drink Almond Milk?

Yes, it’s safe for dogs to drink milk but make sure it is plain and unsweetened. Almond milk is made from processed almonds and is quite safe for pets, including cats if used in a moderate amount. Almond milk is becoming a good substitute for cow’s milk due to its nutritional value. Cow’s milk contains lactose, and given that many canines are lactose intolerant, it is quite difficult for dogs to digest dairy products.

Almond milk, in contrast, is lactose-free and contains fewer calories. So, almond milk is a good alternative to cow’s or goat’s milk.

How Much Almond Milk Can Dogs Drink?

The amount of almond milk we can give a dog depends on body weight, activity level, and medical history, to name a few.  So, there is not a rule-of-thumb we can point to about the amount of milk your dog should consume.

While serving your dog almond milk—or anything else other than their standard diet—take care of a few things.

One, it should be occasional. It is not advisable to give almond milk to your dog every day. Two, serve it in moderate amounts. The moderate amount may be different for different dogs. For small dogs, half a cup may be considered a moderate amount; for tall dogs, it may be a full cup or two.

Lastly, never should treats make more than 10% of your dog’s caloric intake. The rest should come from their staple diet.

Nutritional Benefits of Almond Milk for Dogs

Almond milk contains several essential nutrients like fiber, proteins, fat minerals that are of great importance and benefit to the dog’s body. Let’s have a brief look at the benefits almond milk have for dogs.

Strengthens Bones

Many dogs suffer from fatigue, weak muscles, and brittle bones due to deficiency of vitamin D. Almond milk is a rich source of vitamin D. It helps in making bones strong and has a role in treating dogs suffering from arthritis.

One cup of almond milk contains almost 2.6 – 2.8 micrograms of vitamin D, equivalent to the same amount of enriched cow’s milk. Enriched almond milk contains almost 45 – 50% calcium which is also very good for bones. Besides, it also contains a handsome amount of phosphorus and magnesium that help strengthen bones and joints.

Boosts Immunity

Almond milk also boosts immunity and maintains the eyes and liver. Almond milk contains a good amount of vitamin A and E that helps in removing free radicals from the dog’s body and bolstering its immune system. A cup of almond milk contains almost 20 – 25% of vitamin E.


Almond milk is naturally lactose-free. Lactose intolerance is a condition in which an organism cannot digest lactose, i.e., the sugar in milk. This happens due to a deficiency of lactase enzyme, which helps in breaking down lactose. If lactose doesn’t break into a simple form, it can cause many uncomfortable symptoms like stomach ache, gas, etc. 

Maintains Blood Sugar Level

Unsweetened or sugar-free almond milk is a low-carb beverage. It contains less than 2% carbohydrates, making it a good source of maintaining blood sugar levels in dogs. 

Side Effects of Almond Milk for Dogs

Although almond milk is of high nutritional value, it still can have some negative effects on a dog’s health. Beware of the negative impacts of almond milk on dogs’ health.

So we must also have a look at these effects:

Extra calories that almond milk provides!

Among pets, obesity is a fast-rising problem. Almond milk contains high calories. So it’s not recommended to use it on a daily basis. If your dog is already overweight, find an alternative to almond milk, something that won’t further complicate the problem.

Imbalance Diet

Dogs can live without milk; only puppies need to drink their mother’s milk. Almond milk contains a large number of nutrients, but still, it doesn’t contain anything extra that your dog won’t already get in their regular diet. It contains fewer proteins, while dogs need a large number of proteins in their diet. So if your dog likes the taste of almond milk, he may try to fill himself with this treat and avoid the regular mandatory diet. It should be kept in mind that they need a proper and balanced diet.

Digestive Issues

The digestive system of dogs is designed in such a way that it can easily digest food that is rich in proteins and carbohydrates. If almond milk is consumed in large quantities, it can remain undigested. If a large amount of milk remains undigested, it can cause some serious health issues, such as stomach aches, vomiting, and diarrhea.

However, if a dog consumes a small amount of milk, it won’t cause any allergy or any other problem. 

Warning! Hazards of Sweetened Almond Milk

We should also keep this thing in mind that the dog should be given unsweetened plain milk. Unsweetened milk that contains no additives is considered harmless. But if there is an artificial sweetener present in milk, it can be toxic to your pet. A chemical named xylitol is an additive that can be found in many foods. It is very toxic to dogs and can put your pet at risk.

It can cause liver damage, low blood sugar, or even the death of a dog.

Signs of toxicity from xylitol include:

If your dog shows any of these symptoms, consult your veterinarian.

From the aforementioned, we have seen that almond milk is a good substitute and has several nutrients of value to dogs. But one thing that should be kept in mind is that the milk you are going to give your dog should be unsweetened and contains no additive. Last but not least, consult your vet before giving any additional food or drink to your pets.

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