We know it can be really tempting to share Thanksgiving treats with your canine companion. However, as a responsible dog parent, you would like to do some research to make sure that the turkey meat is safe for him to consume.

Does turkey go well with the dogs? Can dogs eat turkey? What are the dangers of dogs eating turkey? If you are grappling with these questions, scroll down as we spill the beans in the lines below.

Can Dogs Eat Turkey?

Dogs can eat turkey, but this is not without caveats. In fact, the only caveat attached is that the turkey should be cooked exclusively for them without adding spices, seasoning, or other flavorings generally found in human turkey feasts. But the version of turkey that we usually eat is not healthy for our pets.

So, you may not share the turkey you have made for yourself and your human family with your dog, you can feed him a piece of turkey made exclusively for him.

Is Turkey Good for Your Dog? 

Since many commercial dog foods contain turkey as a common ingredient, it is safe for pets to consume. And, why shouldn’t it be? It’s a great source of protein that’s easily digestible and is also great for muscle strength.

Turkey meat gets a slight edge over chicken as the former has a more concentrated amount of vitamins and minerals. If your dog is allergic to chicken—the most common type of allergy in dogs—turkey is a great alternative. 

But sometimes, dogs can be allergic to turkey as well. If it’s their first encounter with turkey meat, give them a little to check for some reactions. However, if your pet gets sick every time he eats turkey, remove it from his diet and ask your veterinarian’s opinion. 

Dried turkey bites are also great snack treats for pets, which can be made at home or purchased at pet stores. Dogs love them a bit too much. Along with that, you will be able to train your pet more easily if he knows a treat awaits him. 

How Can Turkey Be Bad for Your Dog?

Although turkey is relatively healthy, it can create some potential problems if proper care is not taken in its cooking—and, needless to say, feeding. Raw or undercooked turkey may have harmful bacteria in it that can make your pet ill. 

The part of turkey meat that you offer to your dog is also crucial. Bite-sized boneless pieces are good to add to their routine food. But be wary of bones as they can be hazardous for your pet. 

Due to cooking, poultry bones become easily breakable and thus more vulnerable to your dog. A cooked bone splinter can cause pain to your dog either in the tongue or throat. In addition to this, the bones can further hurt in the digestive tract, sometimes necessitating a trip to the doctor immediately.

Turkey skin is also not a healthy option because of being replete with fats and seasoning. The fatty parts like skin and gravy can over-stimulate your pet’s pancreas, possibly leading to pancreatitis. 

Typically, we season our turkey with onion, garlic, and lots of spices. While they make human food spicy but it’s lethal for our furry friends. The red blood cells in their bodies break down due to onion poisoning, resulting in anemia. On the other hand, the seasonings and spices are likely to upset their stomach.

It is worth mentioning again that serving raw turkey can lead to salmonella contamination in dogs and cats. Boiling or steaming for a while will work fine to eliminate bacteria that can cause sickness.

Turkey Treats for Your Pet

Did you notice that we pointed out quite often that you cannot feed your pet whatever you are eating? But it doesn’t mean that your doggy can’t join you in enjoying the week-long turkey feasts of Thanksgiving.

Make some yummy treats for your dog from the leftover turkey. Just mix up some leftover turkey, veggies, and flour, and then bake. They can be completely dried out if you plan on using them for a long time. Also, oatmeal-turkey snacks are great due to their healthy benefits for your pet.

Order some turkey treats for your dog, but homemade dog food is healthier as it doesn’t have added salt or preservatives. Even so, both make an excellent treat for your dog, so don’t feel bad about not sharing the Thanksgiving treats with your pup.

Final Words

Yes, your dog can eat turkey as it has everything your pet needs in his diet. But the one made for you is not very healthy for your pet due to the seasoning, fats, and spices. Prepare something special for your dog so that he isn’t left out at the table this Thanksgiving. 

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