Avocados are one of the many superfoods. In supermarkets and on social media, they are promoted as one of the nutrient-rich treats for humans. It contains several essential nutrients and is rich in healthy fats. Moreover, it helps to strengthen immunity and protects against heart diseases. However, for dogs, it is quite risky.

In this article, we will be having a thorough discussion on why dogs can’t consume avocados and the possible side effects on dogs’ health.

Can Dogs Eat Avocados?

No. Avocados are not safe for pets, especially for dogs. This is because they contain certain elements that can disturb dogs’ body chemistry and make them prone to serious ailments. Besides, a large majority of vets suggest that avocados should not be fed to dogs.

One of the primary reasons behind avocados being a bad food for dogs is that it contains a toxic compound called persin. Persin is a naturally occurring antifungal compound that is fatal for countless animals. Dogs are relatively resistant to it, but it may still affect their entire body chemistry. This poisonous compound is present in the pit, leaves, and flesh of avocados and is deadly for our canine friends. Though a small amount of persin may not harm them, consuming it in bulk can be fatal to your hairy friend. Symptoms of avocado poisoning include:

The pit and the leaves of the avocados are considered to be more lethal than their skin and flesh. Plus, eating avocado pits can disturb the metabolic activity of dogs. It can interfere with their body functions and make them sick.

Avocados Can Cause Intestinal Damages

The pits of avocados are hard to digest. These pits—if swallowed—can hurt the stomach lining and the intestines of dogs. They can disturb the digestional and other metabolic processes taking place in them.

Dogs can also suffer from swallowing and eating issues if they have eaten an avocado pit. Resultantly, their energy can also drop. Decreased energy levels can make them more lethargic and sluggish to perform daily activities.

Avocados Can Cause Excretory Issues

Consumption of avocados—especially their pit—can also lead to serious excretory issues in Dogs. As we are already aware of the fact that avocados disrupt the metabolic processes taking place in dogs, disturbance in metabolic processes can cause multiple excretory difficulties as well.

Dogs can feel constipated or can experience diarrhea. Additionally, the pits can tear the membranes of large intestines and can cause blood to come in stools. Blood in stools can further aggravate the situation. Avocados can also make their stools inflamed or painful to flush from the body.

Avocados Can Increase the Weight of Dogs

Avocados are high in fat content. Dogs can have trouble digesting them if they eat in an immoderate amount. Their metabolism rate can also slow down as a consequence. A slow metabolism can lead to poor digestion and poor absorption of food.

Low absorption of food can increase the weight of dogs. Walking, playing, and performing daily activities can become a challenge for them. This increased weight can make it more likely to catch the heart and coronary diseases.


Some people believe that giving avocados to dogs is not harmful. They argue that avocados are high in nutritional value. They contain plenty of essential fats and minerals, so giving them to dogs is safe. They further support their argument by saying that a small amount of avocados helps strengthen dogs’ immune systems.

People who favor giving avocados to dogs further advocate themselves by stating that avocados help increase the weight of underweight dogs. Moreover, they add that this fruit can increase the lower energy levels of dogs.

However, a large majority on the other side find avocados to be unreliable for dogs due to the presence of Persin. They think that dogs already eating a balanced diet should not go for avocados because their bodies do not need them.

They claim that avocados can make the digestional system of dogs go under pressure. Hence, it is better not to feed dogs with avocados. Dr. Steve Barghusen, a veterinarian at Pet Crossing Animal Hospital & Dental Clinic in Minnesota, says, “though this fruit contains healthy fats, vitamins, and minerals, it is not something that should be included in a dog’s diet.”


Avocados contain plenty of nutrients and essential fats that are enough to nourish the human body fully. However, for animals and especially dogs, they are not healthy due to the toxic compounds present in them. It is not advisable to feed dogs with avocados.

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