What Do Cats Like to Eat for Breakfast?

what do cats like to eat for breakfast
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What do cats like to eat for breakfast?

Mice Krispies!

Do they really like them?

Of course, not. Well, outdoor cats may still be preying upon mice, rodents, and other small creatures. But not our indoor cats. They have evolved with time and do not prey much. That said, our cats are still carrying their hunting instincts, even today after being domesticated for centuries. But today, cats hunting is more about fun than satiating their hunger.

What Do Cats Eat for Breakfast?

An ideal American breakfast consists of toasted bread, crispy bacon, scrambled eggs, and light tanned coffee, but what about our feline friends. What do cats like to eat for breakfast? Can we let cats have breakfast with us? Can we allow cats to eat what we eat for breakfast, such as bacon, peanut butter, and bread? At what time do cats like to have breakfast?

Keep on reading if you want to learn answers to the above and much more about what we should be feeding our cats and what to avoid.

Do Cats Need Breakfast?

Yes, cats need a breakfast—a healthy, nutrient-dense breakfast. Just like humans, breakfast is the important meal of the day for cats. While it is best that you offer your cat her traditional cat food for breakfast, if she is into homemade breakfast, you can offer her plain cooked fish, oatmeal even raw oats, cooked eggs, rice, and meat. While cooking breakfast for your kitty, you should keep it all plain—no salt or seasoning for cats.

Then where does this confusion about cat not needing breakfast come from?

There is confusion because many wrongly believe that cats are nocturnal (staying active at nighttime and sleeping throughout the day). Thinking of cats as nocturnal animals, one may think that cats probably don’t need breakfast, but it is not the case. The reality is quite the opposite.

They are neither nocturnal nor diurnal; cats are, in fact, crepuscular creatures, which means that they are most active at dawn and dusk and sleep for most of the day as well as the night. So yes, cats need a healthy breakfast to stay in good health.

Another reason underlying the thought that cats do not need breakfast could be the history of their days in the wild. In the wild, cats prey upon small creatures like rodents, birds, insects, mice, etc., to satiate their hunger.

Unlike our indoor cats, who have developed a routine similar to their cat parents, wild cats have no routine. They have no idea when they will get their next meal. If it is not their lucky day, they might have to sleep with an empty stomach. In the wild, cats hunt several small preys throughout the day to fill their stomach. So one can say that wild cats are not familiar with the concept of breakfast, but it is most certainly not the case when it comes to our indoor cats.

What Do Cats Like to Eat for Breakfast?

If it was up to our cats, they would like to have a bite of everything that we humans put in our mouths. Cats are mischievous creatures; for them, everything is either a plaything or something to munch on. No matter if you have already fed them their cat food before making yourself breakfast, they will still be meowing, asking for a piece of the crispy bacon, egg, bread, or whatever it is that you are having in breakfast.

We love our cats and want the best for them. We want to give them all the pleasure and joy. So if a bite of bacon will make your cat happy, you would probably throw the whole strip of bacon to her. But please do not do that. Do not share any human food with your cat unless you are sure that it is perfectly safe for cats. Read our Human Foods For Cats: What Human Foods Can Cats Eat?

Let’s discuss a few things that most of us have in the breakfast and see what human foods we can give to cats and what human foods are toxic for cats.

Bacon: Can Cats Eat Bacon?

Yes, cats can eat bacon.

Cats are obligate carnivores, and bacon is meat, so it makes sense. But it would be best if you do not overdo it. As with other human foods, cats can have bacon only in moderate amounts. In addition to being careful about the amount of bacon, you also have to keep a few more things in your mind while feeding bacon to your cat.

  • It should be free of seasonings like cinnamon powder
  • It should be non-salted
  • Raw bacon should be avoided
  • Baby kittens should be kept away from bacon
  • Bacon grease is unhealthy for cats
  • Mind the salt content of bacon

Milk: Can Cats Drink Almond Milk and Dairy Milk?

Yes, cats can drink almond milk in breakfast—albeit in moderate amounts. But not dairy milk—never the dairy milk. Dairy milk contains lactose sugar, and cats are lactose intolerant, so you should never give cow milk to your cat.

Unlike cow milk, almond milk is free of lactose sugar, so you can give it to your cat without having to worry about it upsetting your cat’s stomach. If your cat has developed a penchant for milk, you can give her only almond milk, and that too, in moderate amounts.

Bread: Can Cats Eat Bread?

Fully-baked bread is totally safe for cats, according to ASPCA pro, as long as it is not raisin bread. But cats should not be given even a small amount of uncooked dough.

While giving fully-baked bread to your cat, you should keep in mind that moderation is the key. You should only feed bread to your cat like a treat, in small amounts and not too often.

Peanut Butter: Can Cats Eat Peanut Butter?

Technically speaking, cats can eat peanut butter as it is not listed as toxic to cats. But should you be feeding peanut butter to your cat?

No, you should not. You can give it to your cat occasionally in very small amounts, but why give it to them when there are so many healthy treats for cats available? Instead of giving peanut butter to your cat, you can give them watermelon without rind and seeds, avocado meat, spinach, etc.

Here is why you should not be giving peanut butter to your cat:

  • It’s loaded with fats
  • High sodium content
  • Rich in calories

Caffeine: Can Cats Have Coffee?

Thinking of pouring some light tanned coffee into your cat’s bowl?

Stop right there!

Caffeine is very bad for cats. While a lick or two of coffee won’t be life-threatening for your cat, taking a few sips could be fatal, leading to the development of severe signs like hyperactivity, restlessness, vomiting, racing heart rate, elevated blood pressure, and seizures, etc. according to Pet Poison Helpline.

You Cannot Replace Traditional Cat Food With Human Food

So it is settled that you should not be allowing your cat to come to sit with you at the breakfast table and eat whatever you are having in breakfast. While you can give them bacon, bread, and almond milk, you cannot make it their regular breakfast.

Cats are obligate carnivores, requiring meaty proteins to survive and thrive. Bacon, bread, eggs, and almond milk are definitely safe for cats to eat in moderate amounts, but they do not cover all the nutritional requirements of our cats. Therefore, we must feed traditional cat food to our cats that are designed and manufactured considering their dietary needs.

What Should You Be Feeding Your Cat in Breakfast?

From the above discussion, it has become obvious that cats’ routine diet should consist of traditional cat food. So should we be giving wet or dry cat food to cats for breakfast?

Wet vs. Dry Cat Food

There is no hard-and-fast rule about it. Different people have different opinions; while some say that cats should be given wet food for breakfast, others argue for giving dry food to cats.

Feeding wet cat food to your cat in the breakfast would provide all the required nutrients to our cats and keep them hydrated for the day. If your cat is not drinking water, you should be feeding wet cat food to your cat. Similarly, if she is suffering from a feline urinary tract infection, you should give her wet cat food as it keeps cats hydrated.

Conversely, by having dry cat food in breakfast, your cat will only be getting the necessary nutrients but no fluids. So if your cat is hooked on dry cat food, you should make sure that she is drinking ample water. Dry cat food is considered good for cats’ teeth. On top of that, it is comparatively less messy and more convenient.

How Often to Feed a Cat?

There is no one-size-fits-all answer about how often to feed a cat. You should, however, keep in mind that younger kittens have tiny stomachs, so they need to be fed more often than adult and senior cats. Where 1-week-old kittens are supposed to be fed every 2 hours, 6 to 8-week-old kittens are supposed to be fed every 6 hours. Similarly, adult cats are to be fed once or twice a day. To learn more about how often you should be feeding your kitten at a specific stage, take a look at our Kitten Feeding Chart.

How Much to Feed a Cat?

Just like there is no hard and fast rule about how often you should be feeding your cat, there is no absolute answer to how much to feed a cat—it varies from kitten to kitten. 1-week-old kittens weighing around 1.8 to 5.3 pounds should be fed 2ml to 6ml of kitten replacer formula every 2 hours. 5-week-old kittens, weighing about 15.9 to 19.4 pounds, should be fed 18ml to 22ml of KMR every 5 to 6 hours. And where adult cats should be fed according to the label on the cat food, senior cats should be fed according to their diet plan tailored by a seasoned veterinarian. You can take help from the Kitten feeding chart to learn precisely how much and how often you should be feeding your kittens and cats.

How to Tell if Cat Nutritional Needs Are Being Met?

To track the growth of your kitten, you should take help from a kitten growth chart. If your kitten is growing according to the kitten growth chart, your kitten is doing well, but if she is underweight or overweight, something is not good, and you need to change your kitten’s diet. You may also want to discuss it with your vet. If your cat has any health issues, a vet may recommend a tailored diet plan specific for your cat.

Similarly, as most cats develop certain health issues in their senior years, it is recommended that you make a tailored diet plan for your senior cat with the help of a vet.

Final Verdict: What Do Cats Like to Eat for Breakfast?

To sum it up, cats would like to sit at the breakfast table with us and taste everything we are eating. They like a bite of bacon, some bread with scrambled eggs, or maybe peanut butter (whatever you are having). But you should not give it to them. No doubt, cats can safely eat bacon, bread, and eggs; they should not be fed this more often. You can only give it to them occasionally in small amounts as a treat. Keep in mind that peanut butter is not good for cats, and caffeine could be fatal for cats.

So it would help if you were giving only traditional cat food to your cat. As far as choosing between wet or dry cat foods is concerned, you should let your cat decide what she likes.


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