A Comprehensive Profile of the African Fat-Tailed Gecko

African fat-tailed gecko

African Fat-Tailed geckos, natives of West Africa, are a popular choice among gecko keepers because they possess several other desirable traits in addition to their appearance. For instance, they are easy to care for and are good for beginners. Let us find out more about them below. African Fat-Tailed Gecko Overview Scientific Name: Hemitheconyx caudicinctus […]

Dalmatian Crested Gecko: Breed Overview, Appearance, Care, Diet, and More!

Dalmatian crested gecko

Dalmatian Crested gecko is a unique crested gecko morph thanks to its distinct color pattern. Besides having popularity due to their dotted pattern, they are also famous for their low maintenance and some desirable personality traits as pet lizards. We will discuss almost all aspects of Dalmatian Crested geckos below comprehensively. Dalmatian Crested Gecko Overview […]

Harlequin Crested Gecko: Breed Overview and Care Guide

Why is My Cat Licking Walls?

 Harlequin Crested Gecko at a Glance Scientific Name Correlophus ciliatus Guichenot Size 4 to 4.5 inches Life Expectancy 15 to 20 Years Color Cream top and sides with dark bottom Food Insects and Water Habitat Dry and Rocky Area Temperature 72 to 78 Fahrenheit Humidity 60 to 80 Percent Lighting Normal Substrate Capable of Holding […]

Gold Dust Day Gecko: Facts, Diet, and Habitat of This Exotic Gecko

Gold Dust Day Gecko

Gold Dust Day Gecko—Breed Overview Gold Dust Day Geckos are known for their attractive appearance and vibrant colors. Found mostly in the humid forests of Madagascar, these geckos are perfect for beginners and first-time reptile owners. But there is a lot more to know about these unusual geckos. So, let’s get to learn more about […]

Mediterranean House Gecko Care Guide: Origin, Appearances, Diet, Housing, and Health Issues

Mediterranean House gecko

Mediterranean House geckos, also known as Turkish geckos, are one of the most popular pet gecko species, as they are great for beginners and can be handled easily if they are not too young. They are hardy as well as docile. However, they can still get scared and try to bite the handler and escape. […]

Tail Loss in Geckos: What to Do When a Gecko Drops Its Tail?

Tail Loss in Geckos

Geckos are reptiles that may be found on all continents, with the exception of Antarctica. Their tail, which is a fascinating body feature of the reptile world, has gotten a lot of attention throughout the years, especially the tails of Leopard geckos and day geckos. They have a natural mechanism that allows them to “drop” […]

Mourning Gecko: An All-Inclusive Guide About the Smooth-Scaled Gecko

Mourning Gecko

There are around 1850 species of geckos alone. Some of them, such as Giant Leopard, Satanic Leaf Tailed, Baby Crested, Leachie, Mourning geckoes, etc. are kept as pets A Mourning gecko is as peculiar as its name. Also known as a smooth-scaled gecko, it has been a subject of interest for gecko lovers and reptile […]

Baby Crested Gecko Care: A Comprehensive Guide

Baby Crested gecko

So, you have just brought home a tiny crested gecko but are clueless about the kind of care it needs—now what? You may feel overwhelmed just by looking at a tiny creature if you have never owned a gecko before and are a first-time reptile owner. Worry not; we are here to guide you. With […]

Teenage Companions: Looking for the Best Pet for Teenagers?

A teenage girl combing a dog

Did you know that pets can positively impact a teenager’s mental and physical well-being? Studies have shown that owning a pet can reduce stress, improve mood, and promote a healthy lifestyle. But with so many different types of pets to choose from, it can be challenging to determine which one is the best fit for […]

Why Does My Dog Stretch So Much? [6 Reasons]

Why does my dog stretch so much

Dog stretches a lot—it is a natural behavior in animals. Have you ever seen a cat kneading? How about a leopard gecko putting all hands in the air? Such occurrences may seem pretty silly at first, but know that these are specially designed mechanisms by nature to regulate their bodies. But what might seem to […]

10 Best Pets for College Students

Pets for College Students

Generally, most college students are away from home and their pets for the first time, which may sometimes cause homesickness. The homesickness can get worse if you have a special attachment to pets. So, what can you do? Well, you can have a pet by yourself while at college! But remember one thing. Before getting […]

Axolotl Price: How Much Do Axolotls Cost? Breaking Down Expenses (2022)

How much do axolotls cost

Native only to Mexico, axolotls are amphibians that have a growing fan base among those who love exotic pets. Though these creatures are not as common as snakes or leopard geckos, they are becoming popular across the world. Entertaining to watch and easy to care for, axolotls are special to a considerable degree. But how […]