Albino Leopard Gecko: Is It Good for You?

Albino leopard gecko

Leopard geckos come in a variety of colors and combinations—there are around 150 different Leopard Gecko morphs. One of the most popular Leopard gecko morphs is Albino Leopard Gecko. Their albino coloring sets them apart from other Leopard gecko morphs.     Let us find all ins and outs of this beauty! Albino Leopard Gecko Morph […]

Blizzard Leopard Gecko: A Good Choice for First-Time Gecko Owners

Blizzard leopard gecko

Blizzard Leopard Geckos are appealing and exotic. Because of their unique solid coloring, they are one of the most popular Leopard gecko morphs and are widely sought-after by gecko breeders. If you are a gecko enthusiast and want to get your hands on a Blizzard Leopard Gecko, keep on reading to find out more about […]

Choosing a Leopard Gecko Substrate

Leopard Geckos

Choosing a Leopard gecko substrate is one of the most difficult decisions, especially for novice reptile parents. The litany of options available and the abundance of misconceptions make it more confusing to choose the right substrate for your gecko. The most common misconception is that Leopard geckos come from deserts, and they live in hot […]

Leopard Gecko Colors: 20 Captivating Leopard Gecko Morphs

Leopard gecko morphs

A Leopard gecko is one of the lizard species and is native to rocky deserts and arid grasslands of Asia—Afghanistan, Pakistan, northern India, Iran, and western Iraq. Leopard geckos are one of the most easy-going and thus the most popular pet geckos. Leopard geckos are rapidly gaining popularity as pets, especially among fans of exotic […]

Best Leopard Gecko Lighting Setup

Best leopard gecko lighting setup

Leopard geckos make excellent pets. They are found in deserts and arid grasslands of Pakistan, Afghanistan, northern India, western Iraq, and Iran. Although these hardy lizards are creatures of the night, they do care about what their day looks like. New owners must have heard that leopard geckos are nocturnal and do not require much […]

Can Leopard Geckos Eat Fruit? What NOT to Feed Your Leo?

Can Leopard Geckos eat fruit

As a first-time gecko-owner, you may have a lot of questions regarding the diet and health of a Leopard gecko. One such concern, which is very common and every Leopard gecko owner has, is: Can Leopard Geckos eat fruit? Is it okay to feed human food to geckos? The answer to these questions is, no, […]

Mack Snow Leopard Gecko: A Complete Care Guide

Mack Snow Leopard Gecko

Mack Snow Leopard Gecko—Breed Overview Mack Snow Leopard gecko is not a different species; in fact, it is just a variation of the common Leopard gecko. Anyone who has ever owned a Leopard gecko would know how easy it is to care for this creature. Almost all of these geckos are being bred in captivity, […]

How to Tell If Leopard Gecko is Happy?

How to tell if Leopard Gecko is happy

Reptiles, amphibians, or any other living creature for that matter, have feelings. They can feel happiness, stress, and aggression pretty much like we humans do. What they cannot do, however, is express or speak about these emotions. When it comes to the feelings of a gecko, there are some signs you can look out for […]

Leopard Gecko Growth Chart: How Big Do Leopard Geckos Get?

How big do Leopard geckos get

Leopard geckos, scientifically known as Eublepharis Macularius, got the name because of their leopard-like appearance. They are known for their friendly and obedient nature. Leopard geckos make good pets but are high maintenance, so you should make proper living arrangements to keep them in your home. They can grow big in a little time. But […]

Giant Leopard Gecko: A Comprehensive Care Guide

Giant Leopard Gecko

The Earth we live in is inhabited by many other peculiar creatures. There are animals as big as an elephant and others who are the smallest—such as an Etruscan shrew. There are some mammals and reptiles that come in different sizes. A Leopard gecko is one such reptile—which can be found in a normal size […]

How Long Can Leopard Geckos Go Without Food?

How long can Leopard geckos go without food

If you own a Leopard gecko and have recently noticed it is refusing to eat, you may get worried. This may compel you to start an extensive online search for answers to the question ‘how long can Leopard geckos go without food?’ We know the answer; they can go 10 – 14 days without food. […]

Lilly White Crested Gecko: Everything You Need to Know!

Lilly white crested gecko

We all are fans of colorfully patterned tiny geckos, and this unique attribute has made them our favorite pets. But variegated colors is not the only thing that makes them elegant; Lilly white crested gecko, though simple in appearance, with its white-cream color, still stands out among these multitudes of hues. They are easy to […]