Is My Cat in Love with the Neighbors Cat? 7 Signs to Look For

A Cat is Stealing Looks Another Cat

So, you are a loving cat parent upset by a change in your cat’s behavior? Like your beloved ball of fur seems to have its attention directed towards a magnet outside the home. You see it wandering too often in the neighbor’s home, trying to develop a bond with their cat. At this point, you […]

Do Cats Have Control of Their Tails? Role of Feline Tail

Do Cats Have Control of Their Tails

Cats curl their tails, hold them vertically straight up, wag them, and swish them around. In fact, many cat parents find themselves racking their brains and scanning the internet to find what several of these movements mean and if they indicate any trouble. Every so often, on one of these quests, they find themselves asking: […]

Can Cats Eat Chicken Broth? Is It Safe or Risky?

A silver cat looking at a bowl of chicken broth

During winters, when you catch a cold, your mum usually serves you chicken broth by submerging chicken in water and giving it a boil with spices and vegetables added. It helps us—big time! But being a cat parent, it might have crossed your mind at some point if it is fine for cats’ consumption too? […]

8 Reasons Why Does My Cat Meow After I Sneeze (How to Stop It?)

A woman sneezing with a cat at her lap

While around 95% of the humans report that they sneeze four times a day, cat owners often report that their furry pals meow after they sneeze. Though cats – especially the domesticated ones – become vocal for several reasons, such as asking for food or saying hello, the correlation between meowing and sneezing seems to […]

Why Do Cat Tails Puff Up? Understanding Cat Tail Communication

Orange Tabby Cat with Puffed-Up Tail Staring At Something

Cats are smart species, ready to take charge shall the need arise and communicate their feelings effectively. But despite our earnest efforts to get to know our much-loved pets, often we find ourselves scratching our heads in our attempt to decode their peculiar ways. Take, for instance, some of their forms of body language. Like, […]

Best No Scratch Spray for Cats: Our Top 8 Picks

A striped grey cat scratching a sofa

Anyone who has ever owned a cat knows how much cats love to scratch surfaces. They are often found scratching furniture, sofas, walls, and even doors. As much as you love your cat, it can be hard to see your precious furniture and other household items being ruined by scratching. Is there any solution to […]

20 Mesmerizing Himalayan Cat Colors (With Pictures)

Himalayan cat colors

Himalayan cats, also known as Himmies and ‘Persian kitties in the Siamese suit’ are the creamy, dreamy mix of the longhaired Persian and color-pointed Siamese cat breeds. Despite having a comparatively short history, Himalayan cats are quite popular among feline lovers. They owe their popularity to their friendly demeanor and attractive Siamese-like color points. Perhaps […]

How to Keep Cats Out of the Sink? Chill Out, It Is Not Tough!

How to keep cats out of the sink

Cats are curious and mischievous little creatures. They own the house they are living in—you are just paying the rent. They are kings and queens of our homes, and no corner of the house is out of their bounds. While watching your cat treating your house like a jungle and shelves like trees could be […]

Can Cats Survive in the Cold? How Do Outdoor Cats Survive Cold

How do outdoor cats survive cold winter

Lucy: Oh my gosh, Leo! Look at those poor cats outside. Leo: Jeez, Lucy! It is freaking cold outside, it is snowing. Are not they feeling it? Lucy: I do not know. Thank God we are pets! We have a warm home and a caring human! Leo: But what about our stray fellas? It is […]

Why Do Cats Disappear When They Are About to Die? Facts & Myths!

Why do cats disappear when they are about to die

Why do cats disappear when they are about to die – a common question asked by sorrowful, dejected feline owners when their senior cats go into hiding as they are approaching the end of their life. We will get down to the reasons, but it is equally important to differentiate between realities and myths. That […]

Can Cats Eat Chicken Wings? Things You Need to Know

Can Cats Eat Chicken Wings

Cats are inherently carnivorous animals. They cannot resist eating meat which is why chicken is an all-time favorite food for cats. As we know, a chicken comprises different parts such as a head, skin, wings, drumstick, legs, and organs like heart, liver, kidneys, etc. All these parts contain nutrients beneficial for cats. But consuming some […]