When Do Cats Stop Growing? Is My Cat Fully Grown?

When do cats stop growing

For human children, it is believed that they are fully grown and are considered an adult when they turn 18 years old. But what about our feline friends? When do cats become adults? And when do cats stop growing? There is no simple answer to this question. Different cat breeds and sometimes cats of the […]

Cat Not Drinking Water: How Long Can a Cat Go Without Water?

How Long Can a Cat Go Without Water

There is no life without water. All living organisms need water. Plants need water to grow, humans need water to survive, and for their bodies to function properly. Similarly, cats need water as well. But when they stop drinking water, you get concerned. And rightly so—they are not camels that can store water in their […]

Why Are Cats Afraid of Water? 5 Reasons Your Cat Hates Water

Why are cats afraid of water

Are you preparing to give your cat a bath? But your cat is nowhere to be found—she is hiding. As soon as cats sense that their owners are about to bathe them, they disappear—hide under the couch, behind curtains, dressers, or in the closet. Looking for their cats, one may question: Why are cats afraid […]

Why Do Cats Pant? 6 Reasons Your Cat is Panting

Why do Cats pant

It is pretty usual to see dogs panting on a hot summer day—breathing heavily with their mouths open and tongue sticking out. It is a normal cooling mechanism for dogs. But when it comes to cats, panting is not normal. Watching your cat panting, you may ponder why do cats pant? Is it normal for […]

Are Cats Nocturnal? Busting the Myth!

Are Cats Nocturnal

Cats are nocturnal. They have 9 lives. They cannot see colors. They can see in the complete darkness. They do not need vet visits. Outdoor cats live longer than indoor cats. They don’t need exercise. There are hundreds of such myths prevalent about cats, none of which is actually true. We have addressed some of […]

Are Cats Color Blind? Do Cats See Colors?

Are Cats Color Blind?

Like most cat owners, you probably have a basket full of colorful cat toys. But do you ever wonder if your feline fella can even see colors? Are cats color blind like dogs? Do cats only see in black and white? How do cats see the world around them? Do Cats See in Black and […]

Cat Snoring: Is It Normal?

cat snoring - keeping pet

Do you ever wake up to the loud noises coming from your cat while sleeping? Sounds of cat snoring?Cat snoring is less common than dog snoring, but cats snore too. It is no secret that cats love to sleep. On average, a cat sleep for around fifteen hours, and some even sleep up to twenty […]

Estrous Cycle in Cats: How Long Does a Cat Stay in Heat?

Cute black and white cat on the grass near a wall made of red bricks

Kittens grow quickly. Before you know it, your baby kitten, with eyes shut and ears folded, has reached puberty. Keeping track of their growth is hard without maintaining a kitten growth chart. The growth chart would help you identify, with certainty, when your cat is likely to enter her first heat cycle. Has your kitten […]

Why Is My Cat Drooling? What Can I Do?

Why is my cat drooling-keeping-pet

Cats are not big droolers like dogs. But still, you may have occasionally noticed your cat drooling here and there. Watching her drooling like a dog, you may wonder why my cat is drooling. Is it normal for cats to drool? Or, is there something wrong with my cat? Is It Normal For Cats to […]

Kitten Not Using Litter Box: Possible Reasons

Kitten Not Using Litter Box-Keeping-pet

Did you just spot a cat stool in some corner of your house? You must be wondering why is your kitten not using litter box lately. We know it can be quite frustrating but know that it is not just your cat. This is a real problem. According to ASPCA, around 10% of all cats […]

Kitten Growth Chart: From Birth to Adulthood

Kitten Growth Chart

The first couple of months of kittens’ lives are a whirlwind of developmental changes. Kittens open their eyes and ear canals, change eye colors, develop teeth, and gradually get weaned off from nursing to eating solid cat food.  A lot is happening from kittens’ birth to reaching adulthood, and it is hard for owners, even […]