What Does It Mean When a Cat Purrs?

what does it mean when a cat purrs

We all know that cats are not silent creatures. They communicate through so many mediums. It could be meowing, chirping, chattering, hissing, growling, and purring. However, we know very little about why cats purr. Most often, cats purr because they are in a good mood—but it is not always the case. Cats also purr to […]

Are Ragdoll Cats Hypoallergenic?

Are Ragdoll cats hypoallergenic

Owning a cat is believed to be a highly fulfilling and rewarding experience. The fluffy fellows can make even ordinary days vibrant and lively. Cats are playful and very affectionate towards their owners. They are instant mood lifters and will cajole you out of your bad mood with their funny acts, innocent faces, and loving […]

Hypoallergenic Cats: 10 Best Choice for People Dealing With Feline Allergies

Hypoallergenic Cats

Many people love to adopt cats and enjoy spending their evenings cuddling with their furball. But roughly estimated, every 3 in 10 people are allergic to cats. Some of the symptoms may include hives, sneezing, and itchy or swollen eyes. This can be a heartbreaking situation for cat lovers, who might be planning to bring […]

Cat Teats: How Many Nipples Do Cats Have?

how many nipples do cats have

Do cats have nipples? How many nipples do cats have? Why are cat nipples hard to find? How many nipples do male cats have? A bunch of funny questions. We know these questions sound a bit weird, but the fact is veterinarians get these questions a lot. We are here to answer every one of […]

Are Siamese Cats Hypoallergenic?

Are Siamese Cats Hypoallergenic

When it comes to owning a cat, one major concern people have is to know about the possible allergies they may contract. As you can hardly find a completely allergy-free cat, there are some cat breeds that are less likely to cause allergies than others. What about Siamese cats? Are Siamese cats hypoallergenic? Can people […]

Why Does My Cat Bite Me?

Why does my cat bite me?

Ouch! Why does my cat bite me? Did your cat just bit you again? Do you not know why your cat keeps biting you? Does this make you doubt your parenting—cat parenting? Well, don’t you feel bad. It’s not you, it’s your cat. No kidding! Cats are mischievous little creatures. They do so many strange […]

Cat Wagging Tail: What Does It Mean?

Cat Wagging Tail

Did you just notice your cat wagging her tail? Do you want to know why do cats wag their tails? What are the possible reasons behind a cat wagging tail? Why do cats wag their tails while lying down? Like other pets, such as dogs, cats also wag their tails. However, the underlying reasons can […]

What Does It Mean When a Cat Licks You? Is It Normal?

What does it mean when a cat licks you?

Cat owners and cat lovers know different cats have different personalities and behavioral patterns. Some of them love to play with ping-pong balls, while others like paper towel roll more. Some can curl up on a windowsill and watch birds flying for hours, whereas others will follow you everywhere you go. But one habit that […]

Why Does My Cat Lay On My Chest: Understanding Cat’s Behavior

How Long Do Kittens Nurse

Have you ever heard of a cat trying to communicate with her owner? If you are a cat owner, you would have come across this many times. They show their obsession for their owners when they try to produce some mesmerizing voices. While we, as humans, somehow can hide our feelings, cats are always accurate […]

Why is My Cat Hissing? 7 Potential Causes and Ways to Calm a Hissing Cat

Cat hissing

Did you bring home a new cat? Has the new cat been hissing at you? Or is she hissing at your old cat? Or is it your dog that she is hissing at? Are you worried—probably a bit afraid—about your cat hissing and growling? Well, you are not alone. Cat hissing is something that almost […]

Cat Licking Paw: Why Do Cats Lick Their Paws?

Cat Licking Paw

Cats are fastidious creatures—they are very conscious about their cleanliness. Their habit of meticulous grooming is a good thing but what if they do it in excess. Compulsive grooming—cat licking paw, cat chewing on feet, cat licking legs, and overall cat scratching excessively—is a sign that there is something wrong with your cat.   We […]

Do Cats Dream? What Do Cats Dream About?

Do cats dream

Do you love watching your cat sleep—looking so relaxed and peaceful? During sleep, has your cat been twitching her whiskers and batting her paws at something, maybe an invisible toy? Is it a dream? Do cats dream? If yes, what do cats dream about? Do cats dream about their owners? Do cats have nightmares? Cat […]