The American Keuda: Appearance, Personality, History, Care, and More!

America Keudal

Have you ever thought of a cat with an amazing pet personality and wild but cute looks – combined with great hunting skills? American Keuda (pronounced with a long ‘u’ and a silent ‘e’) breed is exactly what we are talking about! They are adorable and unique in their mental and physical traits, besides having […]

Donkey Riding: Can You Ride Donkeys? How to Train Donkeys for Riding?

Can you ride donkeys

Donkeys have been used for carrying loads since ancient times. It is this animal on whose weight-carrying capacity the earlier economies prospered: Egyptians exported their precious metal outside Africa by carrying it on donkeys, Silk Roads were made possible because of the silk-carrying donkeys, Ancient Romans used them to transport agricultural products, and much more […]

Can a Dog and a Cat Have a Baby? What do You Need to Know?

Can a Dog and a Cat Have a Baby

Pet owners who own multiple pets, such as dogs and cats, may worry about their pets mating with each other and giving birth to a hybrid offspring. But is it really possible? Can a dog and a cat have a baby together? Can they mate and give birth to hybrid offspring? The simple answer to […]

Human Foods For Cats: What Human Foods Can Cats Eat?

Human foods cats can eat

We love our cats. We share everything with them—our homes, love, deep dark secrets, personal space, and whatnot. That’s not enough for these spoilt little insatiable creatures. They want us to share our plates with them as well—they want a taste of everything that we are having. We also want to share the taste of […]

Can Cats Eat Corn? A Guide On Your Little Fellow’s Dietary Choices

Can Cats Eat Corn

Pets are our adopted family, a big part of our daily routines. But as our lives overlap, we wonder if we are taking good care of them. Eating with your family, you reach out to grab an ear of corn, the cat meows, you think of giving her some, and just when you are about […]

16 Unusual and Weird Looking Dogs Breeds (With Pictures)

Weird dogs

People love dogs, and we get it. They are affectionate and loyal companions who would follow you around. But there is so much more to them; they are sharp, fascinating, can even learn many tricks and competitive skills. It is natural to develop a curiosity for the canines. You must have explored a thousand things […]

Dogs From Russia: Top 15 Russian Dog Breeds (With Pictures)

Russian dog breed

Which animal comes to your mind when you hear of Russia? The bear, right? It is natural because Russia has the largest population of brown bears in the world, and the bear was chosen as an official mascot of the famous 1980 Moscow Olympics. But what your mind might be missing is the dogs of […]

Old English Mastiff: Elephants of the Canine World!

English mastiff

Old and survivors of an extinction, English Mastiff dogs are famous for being the guardians of hearth and home besides having large proportions: in fact, they are akin to proverbial “elephants of dogs.” Though they have a giant body, they are gentle at heart – just like most large dog breeds, especially the Kangal. Due […]

Dark Urine in Dogs: Why is My Dog’s Urine So Dark? Causes, Signs, and Solutions

Dog peeing - Dark urine in dogs

Although dark urine in dogs is itself not a disease, it can be an indication that there is something wrong with your furry friend. In some cases, the issues leading to darker shades in their urine might be temporary and curable. In contrast, in others, there might be some insidious disease jeopardizing your beloved’s overall […]

Chow Chow Dogs: All You Need to Know!

Chow Chow

Chow Chows have been around for 2000 to 3000 years and are considered one of the most ancient dog breeds. Originating from China, Chow Chows are all-purpose dogs bred for hunting, cart pulling, and guarding. Having the charm of a teddy bear, elegance of a cat, and loyalty of a dog, Chow Chow is indeed […]

The English Bulldog Pitbull Mix: An English-American Cross

English bulldog pitbull mix

The English Bulldog Pitbull mix, also known as Olde Anglican Bulldogge, is a fabulous cross between the English Bulldog and Pitbull. They were mixed intentionally to develop laid-back yet enthusiastic and playful companions. It seems like breeders have been successful at creating a hybrid with desired characteristics. English Bulldog Pitbull mix dogs are average-sized, cool-tempered, […]

Cat Grooming and Care: Can You Use Dog Shampoo on Cats?

Can You Use Dog Shampoo on Cats?

Cats spend a good time of their day grooming and cleaning their bodies with their tongues. But there are times when they may get themselves soiled and need a good scrub. Bathing a cat should be a quick affair as most cat breeds are aversive to water. There are several shampoos in the market specifically […]