Cat Gestation Period: How Long Are Cats Pregnant?

How Long Are Cats Pregnant

Cats are prolific breeders. Cats go into heat every two to three weeks, for around 6 days, until they get pregnant. And on average, a free-roaming cat gets pregnant 1.4 times each year and gives birth to three kittens per litter, according to a study conducted by the American Veterinary Medical Association. The average reproductive […]

7 Abyssinian Cat Colors: All You Need to Know (With Pictures)

Abyssinian cat colors

An adorable part of Egyptian cat breeds, Abyssinians are a type of tabby cat distinguished by big ears and beautiful ticking color patterns. Thanks to their lovely personality and striking physical features, they rank among the top 5 most popular breeds. But like other felines, Abys also exist in different colors – seven to be […]

Tricolor Cats: 19 Calico Cat Breeds with Pictures

Calico cat breeds

Coming across a tricolor cat—calico cat—you may wonder what breed they are. Surprisingly, like tabby cats, calico is also not a breed but a color pattern that is present in many different cat breeds. A calico cat is any cat whose coat has at least three colors—orange, black, and white. Around 99.9% of the calico […]

25 White Cat Breeds and Their Quirky Features

White Cat

White cat breeds are popular for their stunning appearance and beautiful eyes. Numerous cat breeds have a white coat, but the reason why you don’t see a white cat that often is because of their genetic makeup. A white cat has a special gene that masks other coat colors.   If you have set your […]

Large Domestic Cat Breeds for Ardent Feline Admirers

Large Domestic Cat Breeds

Cat people love their kitties in varying shapes, sizes, and colors. Ask their owners, and you will end up with enough information to create your version of an encyclopedia on why people like cats. Each of these people will have their set of preferences for their ideal pet. As far as the going trends are […]

14 Cat Breeds with Ear Tufts and Ear Furnishings

Cat breeds with ear tufts - American Curl

Cats have many features that make them look cute and adorable—from their eyes to the way they wag their tails. One such feature is their ear tufts. Although tufts help in important body functions, they also add to the cuteness of cats. But not all cats possess these, and some cats do not have ear […]

Havana Brown: All You Need to Know!

Havana Brown

Havana Brown is a widely sought-after and rare cat breed. They are medium-sized cats covered in rich brown color with Venetian red undertones. They have bright green eyes, glossy short to medium-length coats, and distinct muzzle shapes. One of their most distinguishing features is their head shape—it’s longer than wide. Havana Browns’ charming personality attracts […]

Burmese Cat Breed: Origin, Temperament, Appearance, Grooming, Health, and More!


The Burmese are lovely cats. Look at them, and they are round all over while having a unique coat and eye colors; spend time with them, and you will feel a surprising element of intelligence, affection, and loyalty. Because of such traits, Burmese cats are experiencing an exponential surge in their popularity. The Burmese cats […]

Why is My Cat Licking Walls? 10 Reasons Behind this Odd Behavior

Why is My Cat Licking Walls?

One common habit in cats is licking. It is a natural way of cleaning and grooming themselves or one another. But what does it mean when a cat licks non-food items? Sometimes, a cat may start licking her paws and other stuff, such as furniture, the floors, and walls. As a cat parent, it is […]

The 8 Rare Brown Cat Breeds

Brown Cat Breeds

If you are a dedicated cat enthusiast, you would have heard of—or come across—solid black or solid white cat breeds but have you ever thought about why there are no common brown cat breeds around? Solid brown cats are difficult to find because such cat breeds are rare—cats usually have markings, stripes, or points on […]

Persian Cat Breed: All You Need to Know!

Persian Cat

Persian cats are the epitome of elegance with their snub noses, chubby cheeks, and long-flowing coats. Their glamorous looks combined with their sweet demeanor make them one of the most popular cat breeds among feline lovers. Persian cat makes a purr-fect lap warmer. That said, they won’t jump into anyone’s lap—warm snuggles in the lap […]

Savannah Cat Breed Profile: All You Need to Know

Savannah Cat

Are you intrigued by wild cats? Have you been looking to adopt a wild cat? Then maybe you are considering bringing a Bengal cat, a Norwegian Forest Cat, or perhaps a Savannah cat into your home. Despite having wild blood running through their veins, these cats are categorized as domesticated and make great pets. Given […]