Cats Eating Bugs: Can Cats Eat Katydids?

cat stalking a katydid sitting nearby

With more than 6,000 types, katydids are a family related to grasshoppers and crickets that you might be able to spot on your lawn. Our curious cats are fascinated by these small, moving insects. They love to stalk them, chase them around, and paw them down. Cats are natural hunters, after all. After successfully catching […]

How to Get Cat Out of Tree? 5 Ways to Rescue a Stuck Cat

Orange Tabby Cat Perched on a High Branch on a Largely Leafless Tree

Cats are curious creatures and like to explore their surroundings. Throw in their predatory instinct to get a bird’s eye view, and you can picture them climbing trees to gain intelligence. The trouble is, they get stuck there and do not know their way back. So, you have to figure out how to get a […]

Can Horses Eat Spiders?

Close-up of spider on a plant

Unlike cats and dogs, horses are not known to hunt prey owing to their herbivorous nature – plants and grains are what horses eat the most. But despite their non-hunting behavior, some prey might make their way into your horse’s diet, such as several kinds of insects. If you live in temperate or tropical climate […]

Can Cats Eat Butterflies? Why Do Cats Hunt Insects?

A Tabby Cat Keenly Observes a White Butterfly Sucking Nectar from a Pink Flower

Before cats became the center of our universe, they ruled the wild and hunted for their own meal several times a day. With domestication, the need is gone, but the instinct stays. Naturally, when you find your cat chasing a butterfly, you might wonder: can cats eat butterflies? The thought of them endangering themselves with […]

Why Does My Cat Hate My Girlfriend? 7 Ways to Make Your Cat Love Your Girl

A white and grey cat is looking away from a woman

You come home after a hectic day only to find out your girlfriend and your cat are not getting along with each other – your lovemate complains of facing attacks by your kitty, and your cat clearly shows signs that it does not like your girlfriend. And here you are, thinking what could have gone […]

Can Cats Eat Chicken Noodle Soup? The Do’s And Don’ts

Spicy Chicken Noodle Soup in a Bowl on a Wooden Table Surrounded by Condiments

People say they discovered a capacity to love they never knew until they had kids, but have they had pets? Love oozes out of your heart when you set your eyes on them. Oh, the dilemma when two begging eyes demand your food. You have to ask yourself, is it okay to share this food […]

Can Cats Eat Slim Jims? 5 Reasons Why They Are Bad?

grey tabby cat sniffing slim jims

Can cats eat Slim Jims? A short and simple answer is, no, cats cannot eat slim jims. Given the fact that meat is the main ingredient in slim jim snacks, one may think that it is safe for cats to eat, but it is not. Continue reading to learn all about cats and Slim Jims. […]

Cat Kneading: What Does It Mean When a Cat Pushes Its Paws?

White and orange cat pushing her paws on the floor

When a cat pushes its paws, kitty enthusiasts can never get enough of this adorable behavior. Also known as ‘making biscuits or preparing bread,’ you might have also noticed your feline pal pushing her feet onto the floor, blankets, or your lap as if she is massaging it. But why does this happen? Should you […]

Can Cats Eat Chicken Wings? Things You Need to Know

Can Cats Eat Chicken Wings

Cats are inherently carnivorous animals. They cannot resist eating meat which is why chicken is an all-time favorite food for cats. As we know, a chicken comprises different parts such as a head, skin, wings, drumstick, legs, and organs like heart, liver, kidneys, etc. All these parts contain nutrients beneficial for cats. But consuming some […]

Can Horses Vomit? 3 Reasons Why Can’t Horses Vomit?

Why cant horses vomit

Have you ever witnessed your equine friend throwing up? Probably, never. So, as you might be thinking right now, can a horse vomit? No. But why can’t horses vomit? Well, even though vomiting is an essential survival mechanism in most animals, horses are anatomically unable to throw up, which is good for them. Continue reading […]

Best Calming Paste for Horses: Products, Guidelines, and FAQs

Best calming paste for horses

Despite some breeds having a war background, out of the “fight or flight” mentality, equines lie on the latter end – when scared, horses panic, lose their calm and run away. Though the exact reason can be a lot more than fear, stressful horses are jumpy, hard to handle, and can even make a kick […]