Why Does My Dog Stand on Me?

Why Does My Dog Stand on Me
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We share a strange bond with our pets. They don’t talk to us by words, but they make us understand their needs just by showing different behaviors. As a dog parent, you must have seen your doggo behaving weirdly at times. Although there is charm and fun in their weirdness, it sometimes gets difficult to figure out what your doggo is trying to tell you.

Among countless strange behaviors, one is when dogs stand on their owners. “Why does my dog stand on me,” you might wonder. Some find it adorable or a sign of affection until he is a puppy. But as he grows big, it becomes problematic to bear the weight of a fully grown dog over you, especially if you have one of the tall dogs.

8 Reasons Why Does My Dog Stands on Me?

Why Does My Dog Stand on Me
Photo by Cynthia Smith on Unsplash

Why does your dog stand on you? What it could mean? You must know the answer to these questions to understand your pooch’s needs and demands and to find a solution to them.

There can be numerous reasons behind this particular action of your pooch. Let’s find out what is in your doggy’s mind!

1. They’re Being Dominant

Our dogs are closely related to wolves and share some qualities with them, both physical and psychological. Some dogs think of themselves as the “Alpha” of the group. A dog may stand on his owner to show him that he is the boss in the house, not you.

Luckily, there are different signs that can help you know when your dog is trying to be dominant. Let’s have a look at them!

  • He is not willing to obey your commands. For example, you ask him to sit, but he does not sit even though he knows this command. This refusal to command shows I am in charge here, not anyone else.
  • He will look directly into your eyes like it is some kind of a staring contest, and he is going to knock you down. In the dog world, eye contact is a sign of dominance.

2. They’re Seeking Attention

When you are back from a long day of work or were busy the whole day and didn’t give him the proper attention, you may see your dog standing on you. He wants you to be more attentive towards him. Dogs are intelligent creatures; they know how to keep you in one place and ensure you know that he is there.

3. They’re Craving Affection

Dogs are extremely loving pets. They are the only ones who adore you more than themselves. They want the same affection from you, especially when you are not giving them enough attention. Sometimes, they just climb on you even when you are showering affection on them but still, they want to be close to you all the time.

When your canine stands on you, he may want you to pet him, play with him, or maybe he just wants to watch T.V. with you.

So, how do you know if he wants affection? Let’s see!

  • Your pooch will look into your eyes with fondness.

When dogs make eye contact with their favorite people, a “happy hormone” called “oxytocin” is released in their brains. Admit it! We all like that.

  • He will lick you from top to bottom. For dogs, licking is a sign of affection.

4. They’re Protecting You

Being extraordinarily loyal friends, dogs always want to protect you from any danger because they think it is their responsibility to guard their dog parent. By standing over you, your doggy is making sure that any nearby threats know you are under his protection. They do it more often when you have company from other people or animals that your dog does not trust.

We have a few hints for you to notice that your dog is just being protective so you can calm him down.

  • You may see your canine standing over you with his eyes wide open and ears twitching. This means he is at your guard.
  • When he is protecting you aggressively, the hair on the back of his head will rise, and he will expose his teeth with a wrinkled nose to show himself as a danger to the other party.
  • He will also growl.

5. They’re Hungry

When it’s your dog’s feeding time, he will run towards you and lick you and might also stand on you when you are sitting or lying. He simply wants you to stand up and fill up his dishes with food and water. It’s their way to say, “hey hooman! It’s my feeding time.”

In this situation, go and check if their water bowl is empty or they do not have enough food in the bowl.

6. They’re Not Feeling Well

As humans, when we feel sick, we want our loved ones to be around us, especially our parents. Similarly, dogs try to stay close to their dog parents as much as possible when they are sick. Your canine will stand on you so you can put him in your arms and cuddle with him during his illness.

There are many symptoms of your dog’s illness, for example:

If your pooch shows any of these symptoms accompanied by a constant need to be near you, rush him to the veterinarian immediately.

7. They’re Scared

Although dogs are fearless, sometimes they get scared and anxious about a few things, for instance, other animals, bigger and stronger than him. Dogs tend to run to their owners when they feel unsafe, just like humans. You will work as a security blanket for him.

Whenever your canine friend jumps on you while shivering with flattened ears, know that he is scared. Pets feel safe with their owners.

8. It is a Learned Behavior

You might have paid attention to your doggo or cuddled with him when he stood over you for the first time. Dogs like appreciation and repeat the actions that they are appreciated for. So, your dog may stand over you from time to time to receive attention or cuddles again.

9. It is Playtime

Sometimes your pooch stands on you to ask you to play with him. He might be getting bored or feeling lonely. Just take him outside or play with him at home.

Look for the signs given below to know if he wants you to play.

  • He has a ball or any other toy in his mouth while he is standing on you.
  • He may stand on you and then run all around the house and then come and silently stand on you.
  • You can see him getting all excited.

Possible Solutions

The tricky part is to know what is the reason when your dog stands over you. When you know the reason, discouraging the behavior will get easier, but the process will require patience and gentleness. Here are a few suggestions that can help you prevent your dog from standing over you.

Give your doggo the affection and attention he deserves to reduce his anxiousness. Try making a proper routine of his feeding time, walk time, nap time, and playtime, so he will know when it’s his time and when it’s yours. Ensure that you are making him feel safe, especially when other people or animals are around.

Socialize him to get familiar with your friends to remove the scare factor from him. You can take him to trainers who can curb any dominant behavior coming from your canine through specialized techniques.


So, why does my dog stand on me? There are many answers to this question; however, not all reasons are a sign of concern. Some dog parents find it weird, while others find it as a sign of their tenderness. Behavior is the language of their communication; you must understand every action of your canine fellow. You can observe your dog to know what is your dog is showing you through his behavior.


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