Dogs are social animals, requiring frequent socialization with humans as well other dogs. So, on a lovely Sunday, when you take your dog to a nearby park for a walk and there, he comes across his folk. While being around other dogs, your dog starts drooling.
You get anxious; what could be the reason? Why does my dog drool? Should you be concerned?
In general, dogs drool around other dogs because of stress, anxiety, happiness, jealousy, mating, excitement, new scents, food smell, fear, health issues, etc. Or, they can be innate droolers, as certain dog breeds are, such as Boxers, Mastiffs, Dogue de Bordeaux, etc.
Let’s get into the details!
Why Do Dogs Drool Around Other Dogs?
Humans have domesticated dogs for ages. When adopted at an early age, they get separated from their parents and families and spend most of their time alone.
So, when they see other dogs outdoors, it stimulates different emotions in dogs, like excitement, anxiety, jealousy, fear, and sexual desire. The adrenal gland controls all of these stimulations and releases an extra drool. It is also called social drooling – that is, the dribbling triggered due to a social situation.
Dogs may also drool at new scents, smells, and nearby foods. Likewise, poisons, venoms, and chemical or electrical burns trigger drooling in dogs. Eating some toxic plants and biting by a snake causes dribbling.
Sickness also causes drooling (hypersalivation) in dogs. To rule out any health condition, you should watch out for the following symptoms:
- Blood in saliva
- Vomiting and nausea
- Unpleasant smell from canine mouth
- Swollen face
- Could not eat properly
- Changes in behavior
- Avoid eating
If your dog drools more often, especially without any apparent reason, brushing your canine’s teeth may help reduce the release of extra saliva.
In the following lines, we break down different causes of dogs’ social drooling and how we can prevent it.
1. Drooling due to Stress and Fear
Like humans, dogs also get stressed in unfamiliar environments, but in dogs, it causes drooling. You may notice your dog drooling out of stress while giving him a bath, taking him to the vet, or in any other stressful situation.
A lack of early socialization or poor training usually causes stress. Fear of loud noises, strange objects, and large groups of people also scares dogs.
You can help your dog overcome stress with early socialization training. But if the dog is an adult, you can still train him for socialization. Additionally, keep taking your dog outdoors frequently to socialize with humans and other pets.
2. Drooling Due to Anxiety
Here, anxiety is a bit different than stress. Anxiety in dogs is caused by loneliness, limited social contact, or neglect. When you adopt a puppy, he gets separated from his family and parents.
Thus, taking him in the company of other dogs triggers the need and craving for parents, siblings, and that environment. This separation anxiety triggers drooling in dogs.
Dogs are also prone to developing separation anxiety when left alone for a long in the home. Giving love and cuddles can help your dog deal with anxiety. If you have more than one pet, ensure that all are treated equally.
That said, do not forget to consult your vet, as diseases and health complications also cause anxiety in dogs.
3. Drooling due to Happiness and Excitement
Happiness cause drooling in dogs. Dogs get excited whenever they see a good company of their own. Slobbering in the presence of other dogs is fine, as it may help maintain your dog’s physical and mental health.
4. Nervousness
When your dog drools excessively in the company of other dogs, it could also be due to nervousness. Usually, this happens when you bring a new puppy home. To know whether your dog is nervous, your dog may the following signs:
- Bent down back
- Rigid and stiff body
- Your dog’s white eyes can be seen
Hence, if your dog shows these signs while drooling, you must quickly take him away and distract his attention towards something pleasing.
5. Sexual Desire
If your dog starts drooling in the vicinity of other dogs, it may be out of sexual desire. Male dogs also snore, cry, and howl when they get sexually excited.
If you do not want your dog to breed, it is better to get him or her fixed (spayed or neutered). And if you want your dog to breed further, you have to deal with drooling during the sex drive and activity.
7. Drooling due to Jealousy
Like humans, dogs also get jealous of other dogs when their owner gives attention to other dogs.
An excessive amount of dribble is released by dogs when they see that you give more love, attention, and care to another pet, especially a dog.
The nature of jealousy varies with the breeds of dogs. The behavior of extreme jealousy has been commonly observed in Weimaraners because of their clingy nature and demand for excessive attention.
Thus, you should give equal attention, treats, food, love, and care to other dogs.
8. Drooling due to Unknown Scents
An unknown and unfamiliar scent also develops drooling in dogs. The sense of smell in dogs is powerful—they possess more than 30 million olfactory receptors in their noses, five times more than humans.
Your dog’s lips and mouth will be dribbling if there is a new dog in the surrounding.
9. Drooling due to Food
See if there is any food nearby. Dogs can smell the scent of their favorite food from a distance.
Thus, if your dog is hungry and comes across food, he may start slobbering.
Other Causes of Drooling in Dogs
Dogsdrool for many other reasons as well. Some dogs are innate droolers due to congenital defects, such as hiatal hernia and circulatory abnormalities.
- Pseudoptyalsm—it is a condition in which a dog cannot swallow his spittle.
- Ptyalism—in this case, the salivary glands produce an extra amount of dribble.
Similarly, rabies, Pseudoptyalism, Ptyalism, and drinking more water also stimulate drooling.
Your dog may drool because of some health-related issues like tooth decay, gum inflammation, and oral tumors.
Other possible causes of your dog’s drooling can be upset stomach, bloating, heatstroke, any foreign body in his mouth or throat, and nausea.
Why Do Some Dogs Drool More Than Others?
Drooling is also common in certain dog breeds. Due to the head and lip conformations, they cannot retain the saliva they produce. Hence, you will often see them drooling.
Some of the following breeds are drool masters:
- Pit Bulls
- Neapolitan Mastiff
- English Bulldogs
- Dogue de Bordeaux
- Bernese Mountain Dogs
- Basset Hounds
- Great Pyrenees
- Saint Bernard
- Newfoundland
- Boxer
- Great Danes
- Bullmastiffs
When Should Dogs be Treated for Drooling?
Usually, dogs drool in the company of other dogs. But if your dog is not an innate drooler and starts drooling abnormally at home and other places, take your dog to the vet.
You should observe for the following symptoms in case of excessive dribbling
- Seizures
- Kidney Disease
- Lazy and weary behavior
- Excessive panting
- Heatstroke
- Oral tumors and dental problems
- Throat infection
If you see any of the above symptoms, consult your vet at the earliest.