No doubt, some feline enthusiasts love hairless Sphynx cats, but many are fond of the longhair coats of their fluffy cats.

The fluffy cat enthusiasts are crazy about the furry coats of their feline friends. Thus, when their cats experience bald spots or are shaved due to some medical necessity, their parent starts wondering when their cats’ hair will grow back and if there is any way to speed up the process.

If your furry friend has lost hair due to some reason and you want to speed up the process of hair regrowth, stay with us.

How to Make Cat Hair Grow Back Faster?

Cat hair, on average, takes three to six months to grow fully. However, you may accelerate the process by ensuring that the hair loss is minimized and the coat remains healthy. Some useful ways to achieve these are as follows:

1. Keep Allergy at Bay

Allergy in cats can cause itching, sometimes severe. Resultantly, your kitty might start scratching her body on the spot where it feels uncomfortable, and thus, her fur will start falling off.

Though there are several sources of allergy in felines, such as organic substances and perfumes, food is the most common reason. Specifically, within your cat’s diet, you must look out for unsuited protein because this is the main nutrient responsible for feline allergies. Replacing food items containing suitable proteins helps a lot.

If you notice excessive and unusual sneezing and runny nose in your cat, it could indicate that the allergy is imminent, and a vet consultation is required.

2. Do Not Let Your Cat Pull Her Hair

Cats might pull their hair themselves mainly because of psychological reasons and excessive licking. Due to several behavioral issues, cats end up pulling their hair. Similarly, the cat’s tongue is rough enough to pull the fur out of the coat. In both ways, cat hair growth slows down considerably, and bald patches may prop up.

3. Take Care of the Diet

If not enhanced, the hair growth in cats can be kept to its full potential by keeping up with the dietary requirements. The following nutrients are of special importance when it comes to feline fur health – a deficiency of those in your cat will not only limit hair growth but also cause hair loss.

If you cannot keep up with the proper diet for your kitty, you can simply add supplements to what she eats. This will meet all the nutritional requirements of cats and help them maintain healthy coats.

With biotin, omegas, zinc, and vitamins, the Rx Nutritional Support supplement has all our cats require to maintain a healthy coat.

Fluffy big cat Maine coon walks in the yard of the house on wooden logs

4. Treat the Causes

Unfortunately, several health complications in cats lead to hair fall and need vet assistance.

5. Brush Your Cat

Dead hair can inhibit the growth of new hair. Additionally, dead fur can also contribute to mat formation. Therefore, removing the dead material to accelerate hair growth in your cat is very important; this job can easily be done if you brush her regularly. Besides getting rid of the dead hair, it can also increase blood flow in the skin which may further contribute to hair growth.

6. Bathing Can Help

Bathing can remove dead skin, which blocks the growth of new hair. Consider bathing your kitty once every one to two months to see the results. However, note that moderation is the key: never bathe your pet too often, or she might lose all of her natural skin oils, which can worsen things.

If your cat is afraid of water, you might have difficulty following her bathing routine. Therefore, always convince her effectively by rewarding and using positive reinforcements.

7. Provide Cool Environment

Cats in hot weather may shed a lot to get rid of excessive hair and regulate their body temperature. That is why you must strive to keep your kitty cool, thus saving her fur.

8. Destress Your Furry Pal

Stressed cats are prone to losing hair. Anxiety can lead to telogen effluvium and several other dermatological problems that exacerbate hair fall. Besides, it can also impact immunity, and your cat might get affected by several other diseases that can eventually lead to hair loss.

9. Go to a Vet

It is usually the last option for cat owners after trying all others to boost hair growth in their cats. Since cats are great at hiding their health problems, there could be some underlying reasons why your cat is not growing her hair fast that can only be found by a seasoned veterinarian. Besides seeking help when needed, regularly getting your feline pal checked every six months is also advisable.

Importance of Healthy Hair Growth in Cats

Though hair in cats might not seem to be an issue of concern, there are several vital roles it plays when it comes to their health, which multiplies its importance significantly. Besides being an indicator of health, hair is responsible for many important functions.

Body Language

Cat hair bristles when they are in a defensive or an offensive mode. This is an effective way of deterring the attacker. Besides meowing, ‘standing’ hair is a sure sign that a cat is angry or going to attack.

Guard Against Injuries

Coats guard the largest organ in cats, i.e., the skin. It protects the latter from injuries, scratches, and various kinds of infestations. Without fur, the skin would be exposed to several harms.

Weather Protection

Cat coat responds to the weather and environmental conditions. Thick coats are vital for kitties to survive in cold weather. Similarly, coats with healthy fur are an important barrier against UV rays coming from the sun.

Conclusion: How to Make Cat Hair Grow Back Faster?

Though a cat might take months to grow back her hair, the pace of growth can be increased if the hair loss is reduced and the overall coat health is maintained. For instance, spotting the underlying cause, such as fleas, and treating it promptly can eliminate unwanted fur shedding. Similarly, providing a healthy diet can make sure that hair growth is not restricted. Combined, these efforts can boost the hair growth rate in cats.

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