The unique and beautiful dun color in horses is produced due to the combination of the red and black genes. It hues the whole body except for the mouth and the parts of the tail. Dun horses may also have strips across the shoulders and the back of the forelegs.
Given the unique color of these horses, it often becomes overwhelming for owners to find a befitting name for their beautiful steeds.
If you own a dun horse and are having a hard time naming such beauty, you are in the right place. In this blog, we have listed scores of unique dun horse names, from which you can choose a suitable moniker for your steed. Keep reading and find them all.
Female Dun Horse Names
Got a pretty dun mare? Here are the names for her!
Ada | Addison | Adira | Alce |
Alexia | Alsie | Amber | Amelia |
Angie | Annabell | Anne | Apple |
Arizona | Aruro | Arwen | Asta |
Athena | Atticus | Audrey | Autumn |
Beans | Bella | Bonnie | Brew |
Bridget | Calypso | Caramel | Catherine |
Cinder | Clabourne | Clancy | Cleopatra |
Cormac | Costello | Cowgirl | Daenerys |
Daisy | Dakota | Dancer | Darcy |
Dawn | Dickens | Diomedes | Dolly |
Dreamer | Duchess | Dusty | Ellen |
Ember | Evie | Fae | Franklin |
Frederick | Gaea | Getsby | Ginny |
Gold win | Grace | Haickori | Harper |
Henna | Henrietta | Hera | Hermione |
Jenny | June | Kat | Keaston |
Kenway | Kingston | Lady | Lady Reckless |
Ladybug | Lassie | Lily | Liza |
Lucille | Lucy | Lyla | Mable |
Mademoiselle | Madison | Maia | Mary |
Maya | Melisande | Mildred | Minerva |
Minty | Mitzi | Molly | Monroe |
Oprah | Paige | Pepper | Phoebe |
Phyllis | Piper | Poppy | Princess |
Queen | Rapunzel | Rosanne | Sage |
Sally | Shiloh | Sidney | Sienna |
Sierra | Stella | Summer | Tethys |
Tigress | Tinnie | Tinnie | Tory |
Trixy | Trudy | Ursula | Valentina |
Valerie | Vili | Wonder | Yup |
Male Dun Horse Names
Here are the names that sound brave and strong for you male dun equine friend:
Admiral | Alexander | Alfred | Amelio |
Aragorn | Archibald | Ares | Arturo |
Ashton | Aslan | Atlas | Attila |
Atwood | Barclay | Beans | Big Boy |
BlackJack | Blake | Boomer | Brew |
Buddy | Buzz | Byron | Caesar |
Carlton | Carter | Channing | Chaucer |
Chester | Chuck | Churchill | Clove |
Conrad | Cyrus | Dexter | Dragon |
Dude | Duke | Earnest | Ethan |
Fizz | Freddy | Galahad | Gawain |
Genghis | Geronimo | Graham | Hampton |
Harvey | Hedwig | Henry | Heracles |
Horatio | Hudson | Jackson | Jasper |
Jepson | John | Jon | Jupiter |
Khan | Lancelot | Leather | Leon |
Lexus | Linus | Magnus | Major |
Mars | Maximus | McClane | Miles |
Milo | Monte | Moose | Mordred |
Mufasa | Neptune | Niall | Percival |
Phillip | Posiedon | Prince | Richie |
Rex | Rich | Rio | Rootbeer |
Rufus | Russet | Sailor | Samson |
Samson | Simba | Sprinter | Stanley |
Teak | Thomas | Tristan | Uranus |
Vincent | Wali | Walker | Wallace |
Wallace | Wick | William | Xavier |
Yanzie | Yorker | Yazdan | Zeus |
Popular Dun Horse Names
Cool and famous names are desired by everyone when it comes to naming their pet. If you have been looking for a popular name for your dun horse, take a look at the list below.
Above and Beyond | Admiral | Aethon | Affirmed |
Alfred | Almond | Alysheba | American Eagle |
Apricot | Archibald | Argos | Argus |
Arion | Arturo | Ashton | Atwood |
Axl | Baby Boy | Backstreet Boy | Badger |
Balius | Barclay | Battle Cry | Beans |
Beaver | Beethoven | Benny Loafer | Bentloven |
Big Brown | Biscuit | Bizmo | Blake |
Bombay | Brew | Brown But | Brown Sugar |
Bucephalus | Bullseye | Byron | California |
Chance | Channing | Chaucer | Cherokee |
Chester | Chestnut | Choco | Churchill |
Cidar | Clove | Code Of Honor | Cogy |
Col. Hogan | Comanche | Cooper | Cougar |
Crush | Die Hard | Echo | Elvis |
Eous | Falcon | Fame | Faraway Kingdom |
Fearless | Feather | Fiver | Fortune |
Gallant Fox | Ghost | Graham | Gringolet |
Hawk | Hendrix | Hidalgo | Honey |
Irish Wristwatch | Jagger | Joe Cotton | Juliet |
Kelly Cann | Keno | Kentucky | Kinder |
Kingston | Kirby | Koday | Leather |
Lights | Luna | Macbeth | Magician |
Marengo | Maroon | Maximus | Mocha |
Monkey | Moose | Mud | Navajo |
Nestle | Nexus | Orb | Peach |
Peanut | Pegasus | Phlegon | Presly |
Pyrois | Rain | Rerun | Rocket |
Romeo | Rootbear | Russet | Ryder |
Sadona | Saint | Sand Castle | Santana |
Sargent Reckless | Scooby | Sir Barton | Sliver |
Spirit | Tacitus | Teak | Teddy |
Tenner | Toffee | Tornado | Traveller |
Tucker | Tulpar | Unbridled | Valentine |
Vincenzo | Vulga | Whiskey | Wilder |
Xanthus | Yona | Yakut | Zephyr |
Dun Horse Names From Other Languages
Name | Language | Meaning |
Daffin | Romanian | Bay |
Kastanie | German | Chestnut |
Marron | Spanish | Brown |
Hong | Chinese | Red |
Maro | Russian | Brown |
Kafe | Albanian | Brown |
Kurumi | Japanese | Chestnut |
Niran | Arabic | Fire |
Roana | Spanish | Red-brown |
Unique Dun Horse Names
Abby | Acorde | Alaska | Armonia |
Aspen | Azalea | Baby | Balada |
Bandana | Bandit | Bandito | Bear |
Blossom | Blue | Boysenberry | Brawny |
Bronco | Brownie | Bucktooth | Butch |
Butterfly | Butterscotch | Button | Cantante |
Carrots | Celosia | Clover | Conquest |
Cortland | Cub | Cupcake | Cutie Pie |
Destiny | Diablo | Diesel | Dove |
Dragon | Dragonfly | Dream | Duke |
Dynomite | Emerald | Empire | Excalibur |
Filly | First Rodeo | Flame | Foalovit |
Fox | Fuego | Gala | Goliath |
Gomer | Grenadine | Half Pence | Hall N’ Oats |
Harley | Hawaiian Punch | Hiccup | Highlander |
Honeycrisp | Horsepower | Horsetooth | Horsey |
Hulk | Hunk | Hunter | Justice |
Katniss | Kellogg | Kool-Aid | Kryptonite |
Lostma Cowboy | Lovey | Lucky | Lyric |
Mack | Magnum | Mammoth | Mare N’ Go |
Marmaduke | Marshmallow | McIntosh | Meatloaf |
Medusa | Merlin | Midnight | Moonlight |
Moose | Morning Glory | Mystery | Nipper |
Octava | Outta Time | Patch | Pebbles |
Peggy Sue’s | Piper | Poinsettia | Pokey |
Pomtini | Pony Ride | Puppy | Queenie |
Quicksand | Rambo | Ransom | Remi |
Rover | Rusty Saddle | Secret | Sheba |
Shirley Temple | Sinfonia | Sir Topham Hatt | Skittles |
Sky Dancer | Skyfire | Slow Poke | Snicker Doodle |
Snow | Stimpy | Storm | Sumac |
Sun Dance | Tank | Teacup | Tex |
Texas Rose | Thor | Titan | Twenty Grand |
Unicorn | Viking | Volcano | Waffles |
What The Buck | Whopper | Wild Flower | Wild West |
Willow | Wishful | Wolk | Xena |
Yosemite Sam | Yukon | Yusburban | Ze Brah |
Quarter Dun Horse Names
Adios Butler | Ancient Orange | Angel River Bar | Baby Doll Combs |
Bar Bandito | Big Brown | Black Zephyr | Blondy’s Dude |
Blue Bird | Blue Gold | Bossy Little Mess | Charger Bar |
Chyna’s Silk | Country Horse | Day Al-Din | Desert Orchid |
Ebony Smoke | Fantasia | Final Fantasy | Galaxy |
Game On Dude | Glimmer | Indigo Illusion | Marling |
Moon Glow | Nanook | Ought to go | Peach a Pie |
Royal Rose | Runaway Winner | Sky Flyer | Smokin’ Flower |
Snow Fairy | Sparky | Sterling Dreams | Sweet Winter |
Thebes | Butterscotch | Twisted Noodle | Willow Goodbar |
Xavi | Yoyo | Zafran | Zero Buck |
Grullo Dun Horse Names
Acero | Angel | Arctic Star | Argent |
Argento | Artex | Arwen | Azure |
Baloo | Blau | Boomer | Bubbles |
Cadet | Charcoal | Chico | Chrome |
Cinder | Coal | Diva | Ferro |
Flammer | Foggy | Gin | Gladio |
Gothel | Grady | Grayson | Gris |
Gunner | Jupiter | Luna | Malady |
Meleg | Meluma | Mercury | Monday |
Murk | Myst | Nasa | Nickel |
Paloma | Pawa | Plata | Powder |
Rocky | Siva | Steel | Wisp |
Red Dun Horse Names
Aguaje | Ambrose | Bada Bing Cerise | Blaze |
Blushing Vermillion | Burning Beau | Cherry Bliss | Cherry Garcia |
Clifford | Crimson Wind | Goji | Honey Flames |
Marinara | Miss Hibiscus | Montoya Cabernet | Phoenix |
Red Baron | Red Bloom | Red Herring | Red Lobster |
Red Snapper | Rose | Ruby | Salmon |
Scarlet | Scorch | Seeing Red | Sparky |
Sriracha | Strawberry | Strawberry Puff | Sunny |
Thirty-Six Red | Tigger | Torch | Volcano |
Famous Dun Horses
Famous dun horses from history can be a great inspiration for naming your steed if they match its personality in some way. A list of such horses is:
- Doc O’Lena: Doc O’Lena, a stallion, was a champion of cutting horses. It was included in the National Cutting Horse Association (NCHA) Hall of Fame.
- Dry Doc: It was a brother of Doc O’Lena, who also earned itself a place in the NCHA Hall of Fame.
- Dundeel: It is a champion horse from New Zealand with a great racing record. It is known for winning five consecutive races and for being the first to win the Australian Crown Championship.
- Zabeel: It was a New Zealand-based horse who made a great racing career in Australia. It is reported that it won about seven races during its career.
- Doc Bar: It was a Quarter horse well-known for its racing record and for giving birth to famous foals such as Dry Doc and Doc’s Oak.
- Lynx Melody: It was a mare famous for brilliant achievements. It was inducted into the American Quarter Horse Association Hall of Fame in 2008.
- Smart Little Lena: Sired by Doc O’Lena, it was the first winner of the NHCA Triple Crown. Known for a successful career in the cutting industry, its earnings surged to $643,275 in 2010 – making it a record holder.
- Zippos: An inductee of the American Quarter Hall of Fame, Zippos is famous for siring Vital Signs Are Good, a legendary racehorse who was also inducted into the same hall of fame in 2019.
- Top Deck: It is known for siring more than 400 Quarter foals, including some famous names such as Top Flight, Moon Deck, and Jet Deck.
Naming Your Dun Horse
A perfect name that feels just right is difficult to find when it comes to dun horses. Here are a few tips to make it easy:
- The list above is diverse. Shortlist a few names that sound good to you, and then see how your steed responds to each. If a certain name does not vibe with your horse, you can move on to the next one unless you find the perfect name.
- Ask for advice from the people other than you who stay close to your horse, say your family members. They may know its demeanor more than you do.
- Assigning funny horse names is always a good option for pretty much any steed.
- You can also go for the names specific to the breed of your horse.