Can Dogs Eat Plums: The Advantages and Disadvantages

Can Dogs Eat Plums
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Can dogs eat plums? Are plums safe for dogs? These questions are occasionally encountered by vets. On this subject, medical experts have mixed views and based on these views they can be divided into two groups. The former group believes that plums are not healthy for dogs. Whereas the latter group argues that it is safe for dogs to snack on plums but with necessary precautions. In this article, we’ll have a small discussion on the benefits and damaging effects of plums on the health of dogs in detail.


Plums come from a diverse group of fruit species. It is a juicy fruit that can be enjoyed during summertime. This fruit is high in nutritional value and is packed with vitamins, minerals, fiber, and antioxidants. Its flavor varies from sweet to tart. It is often believed that Plums were among the first fruits that were grown by human beings.

Plums are quite beneficial for human health and some of these benefits extend to dogs as well.

Potential Advantages of Plums for Dogs

Favorable For Digestive Health

Plums are packed with fiber. They are regarded as healthy food for the digestive health of dogs. The soluble and the insoluble fiber present in plums helps to regulate their intestinal activity. This fruit contains active bacteria that nourish the gut bacteria of dogs and resultantly improves digestion.

The answer to the question ‘can dogs have plums? is ‘Yes’ because they not only nurture the gut health of dogs but also reduces the risk of certain ailments. For example, they help to avoid constipation and lessen the risk of colon cancer. Moreover, these fruits lower the enzymatic acids involved in the production of cholesterol and resultantly improve cholesterol levels.

Helps to Promote Bone Health

Plums are rich in vitamins such as vitamin B1, Vitamin B2, Vitamin B3, Vitamin B5, Vitamin B6, Vitamin C, Vitamin E, and Vitamin K. Vitamin K is favorable for the wellbeing of dogs. They support the biological processes taking place and strengthen their bones and teeth. Plums help in blood coagulation because the vitamin K present in the fruit activates the protein properties of the dog.

Stabilizes Blood Sugar Levels

The fiber component of plums assists in stabilizing blood sugar levels in dogs. They slow down the absorption of glucose and make the animals feel fuller for longer periods. The sense of satiety induced by plums helps in making the dogs eat less. This purple-colored fruit helps in preventing diabetes by encouraging insulin sensitivity.

Boost Immunity of Dogs

Plums help to boost the immunity of dogs. They are abundant in vitamin C, ascorbic acid, and antioxidants. They support the metabolism and body functions of dogs. The vitamin C present in the fruit works to multiply the number of lymphocytes in the blood. These lymphocytes protect the body against germs and improve the overall immunity of dogs.

Aids in Preventing Major Ailments

Plums can help to ward off serious ailments in dogs. The antioxidants, vitamins, anti-inflammatory compounds, and minerals present in the fruit fulfill the nutrient needs of the body. They guard the body by enhancing its immunity and support all body functions. By increasing the immunity of the dogs, they reduce the chances of them falling sick. From this, it can be assumed that the consumption of Plums protects dogs from harmful diseases.

All the points mentioned above are given by health professionals who are in favor of feeding Dogs with Plums. Now let’s talk about the other group of health experts who believe that Plums are harmful to Dogs. These people support their point of view by the following arguments.

Potential Disadvantages of Plums for Dogs

Gastrointestinal Issues

Plums can cause stomach distress in dogs if fed in immoderate amounts. They can become the source of several gastrointestinal issues such as abdominal pains, vomiting, diarrhea, and constipation. Digestion issues can also occur because they make the stomach medium more acidic. The acidic environment in the stomach can make dogs prone to other harmful diseases

Choking and Internal Damages

It is necessary to remove the pits of plums before feeding them to dogs. Breathing issues can occur if the plums are ingested with their pits intact. In worst cases, it can lead to choking and can be fatal for the dog as well.

Additionally, the razor-sharp ends of plums can damage the esophagus, stomach lining, and intestines of dogs. Likewise, it can cause a blockage in the intestines and can trigger life-threatening conditions.

Cyanide Poisoning

Apart from the two mentioned issues, plums can cause poisoning in dogs as well. This also happens when the pits of plums are consumed by the dogs. These pits release cyanide which is poisonous. It can make the dogs sick. They can suffer from coma, voiding of bladder and bowels, seizures, vomiting, muscle spasms, and tremors, and excessive salivation.


Plums are wholesome fruit, filled with plenty of nutrients. Declaring them unsafe because of their potential negative effects won’t be a wise choice. Hence it can be inferred that Dogs can have Plums but in moderate quantity.


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