A Brief Introduction to 8 Egyptian Cat Breeds

Egyptian cat breeds

Besides the marvelous Pyramids of Giza, mummification, and the longest river in the world, Egypt is also known for its domestication of animals, especially cats. If truth be told, these furry creatures were an important part of the ancient Egyptian civilization. Believing them to be magical, be it an ordinary kitty or the Egyptian cat […]

14 Cat Breeds with Ear Tufts and Ear Furnishings

Cat breeds with ear tufts - American Curl

Cats have many features that make them look cute and adorable—from their eyes to the way they wag their tails. One such feature is their ear tufts. Although tufts help in important body functions, they also add to the cuteness of cats. But not all cats possess these, and some cats do not have ear […]

Cat Pregnancy Stages: Pregnant Cat Week-by-Week Timeline (With Pictures)

Cat Pregnancy Stages

Cats are seasonally polyestrous—they experience multiple cat heat cycles during the breeding season. The breeding season goes all year round for indoor cats and cats living in more tropical regions closer to the equator, where they have longer daylight hours. On the other hand, for cats living in the Northern Hemisphere, the breeding season is from late […]

Labor in Cats: Pre-Labor Signs in Cats and Cat Labor Stages

Labor in Cats

Taking care of a pregnant cat throughout the cat pregnancy stages is a laborious task. But waiting for your pregnant cat to give birth to a litter of adorable kittens could be exciting and overwhelming at the same time. Caring for newborn kittens—a bunch of them—could be a hectic task. But your urgent worry is […]

Pregnant Cat care Tips: How to Take Care of a Pregnant Cat?


Is your cat exhibiting all the signs of a pregnant cat? In a perfect world, if you are not a purebred cat breeder, a kitten would have been spayed as soon as she is weaned off. But in the real world, we tend to delay the spaying, and when the kitten gets about 4 months […]

Signs a Cat Is Pregnant: How to Tell if a Cat Is Pregnant?

How to Tell if a Cat Is Pregnant

Surprise, surprise! I am expecting! You weren’t expecting? Not my fault! You should have had me spayed. You know how things get when I’m on heat. And then you left the window open—I couldn’t stop myself from sneaking out to see the neighbor’s tom. Cat pregnancy comes as a surprise to most cat owners. They […]

York Chocolate: A Chatty Chocolaty Cat Breed

York chocolate

Lovely communicative chocolaty kitties—that is how the York Chocolate cat breed is known! It is a relatively new and uncommon cat breed. In recent years, York Chocolates have experienced a surge in their popularity because of their fluffy, long-haired chocolate-brown coats and friendly temperament. They are also getting famous on social media for their fascination […]

9 Cat Breeds with No Tail—Our 9 Picks of Tailless Cats

Cat breeds with no tail

Cats without tails may seem odd to you, but it is very common to find cat breeds with no tail. Although a tail is an important body feature, and they use tail wagging as a means of communication, there are some cats that do pretty fine without a tail. But the question here is, have […]

Burmese Cat Breed: Origin, Temperament, Appearance, Grooming, Health, and More!


The Burmese are lovely cats. Look at them, and they are round all over while having a unique coat and eye colors; spend time with them, and you will feel a surprising element of intelligence, affection, and loyalty. Because of such traits, Burmese cats are experiencing an exponential surge in their popularity. The Burmese cats […]

British Shorthair Cat Breed: A Comprehensive Care Guide

British Shorthair

British Shorthair is one of the best cats you can have as a pet. British Shorthairs are loyal to their owners and super friendly. The best thing about them is that while they enjoy the company of their owners, they are not lap babies and won’t always be begging for you to pick them up […]

Cowboy Corgi (Corgi Cattle Dog): Temperament, Grooming, Training, Facts, and More!

Cowboy Corgi Sitting on a bench by a lake

Mixed breeds are undoubtedly gaining popularity these days for their fascinating appearances and unique personalities. As a staunch dog enthusiast, grasping mixed breed knowledge can be overwhelming at times. You get to see dogs in different ways and also understand them better. Do you know which mixed breed is gaining popularity worldwide these days? It’s […]

Why Do Cats Squeak When Picked Up?

cats squeak when picked up

You might have heard the short high-pitched sound of your cat when picked up randomly. Cats produce such sounds to communicate with us. A cat squeaks when picked up to express how she is feeling. Some of the cats might squeak to show their affection, while others may exhibit such an attitude to communicate that […]