Can Cats Eat Duck Bones?

Baked duck wings with teriyaki sauce on a wooden table

Cats love to eat. They are always excited to try new things, be it commercial cat food or some bug, like cricket, on the lawn. But due to their sharp teeth and hunting nature, they are especially fond of having bones. That is why you might have noticed your kitty pal does not spare anything […]

2 Theories Answering Why Do Cats Eat Their Owners When They Die

A cat in the dark with the tongue out

In June 2022, a dead Russian woman was eaten by her 20 Maine coons. But such a shocking episode is not new. In 2013, the corpse of a 56-year- old Hampshire woman was found half eaten by her own cats when the body remained undiscovered for two months. In 2019, Forensic researchers at the Colorado […]

Do Cats Eat Their Own Babies? 5 Ways to Keep the Kittens Safe

Group of kittens looking at mother cat with innocence

Eating fellow beings is recorded in more than 1,500 species in the past and even the present. It is, no doubt, abhorrent and extremely awful to us, but it becomes especially intolerable when it leads to infanticide. This prompts cat lovers to think if such tendencies are prevalent in felines, too: Do cats eat their […]

Cats Eating Bugs: Can Cats Eat Katydids?

cat stalking a katydid sitting nearby

With more than 6,000 types, katydids are a family related to grasshoppers and crickets that you might be able to spot on your lawn. Our curious cats are fascinated by these small, moving insects. They love to stalk them, chase them around, and paw them down. Cats are natural hunters, after all. After successfully catching […]

Can Cats Eat Butterflies? Why Do Cats Hunt Insects?

A Tabby Cat Keenly Observes a White Butterfly Sucking Nectar from a Pink Flower

Before cats became the center of our universe, they ruled the wild and hunted for their own meal several times a day. With domestication, the need is gone, but the instinct stays. Naturally, when you find your cat chasing a butterfly, you might wonder: can cats eat butterflies? The thought of them endangering themselves with […]

Can Cats Eat Chicken Necks? All You Need to Know!

Close up of a plate of raw chicken necks with a cat lying in the background

Chicken is the perfect meat and meal for our feline pals – with numerous benefits. But still, we think a million times before feeding our cats some bony parts such as wings and necks. However, do not worry too much – such chicken parts are not hazardous if precautions are taken. So, what about the […]

Can Cats Eat Chicken Noodle Soup? The Do’s And Don’ts

Spicy Chicken Noodle Soup in a Bowl on a Wooden Table Surrounded by Condiments

People say they discovered a capacity to love they never knew until they had kids, but have they had pets? Love oozes out of your heart when you set your eyes on them. Oh, the dilemma when two begging eyes demand your food. You have to ask yourself, is it okay to share this food […]

Can Cats Eat Slim Jims? 5 Reasons Why They Are Bad?

grey tabby cat sniffing slim jims

Can cats eat Slim Jims? A short and simple answer is, no, cats cannot eat slim jims. Given the fact that meat is the main ingredient in slim jim snacks, one may think that it is safe for cats to eat, but it is not. Continue reading to learn all about cats and Slim Jims. […]

Can Cats Eat Crickets? (Benefits and Health Risks)

A grey cat sitting beside a window keenly looking at a cricket

Bugs are a part of 80% of the world population’s diet, and for the cat population, this percentage rises to a full hundred—all felines enjoy insects. They love chasing them, especially the butterflies. But some insects may send severe chills down the spine of cat owners when they see their pet enjoying them as a […]

Can Cats Eat Duck Wings? Are the Wings’ Bones Safe to Eat?

Orange-White Cat Approaching Duck Wings on a Wooden Table Surrounded by Spices

Meat consumption is a matter of survival for cats. They need essential amino acids and nutrients like taurine for a healthy body and the ability to reproduce. But the type and state (raw/cooked) of the meat served continues to be up for debate. One such query is, can cats eat duck wings? If you think […]

Can Cats Eat Chicken Liver? Health Implications and Benefits

Grey Tabby Cat Looking Up Licking its Lips between Her Meal

Being obligate carnivores, felines can benefit from eating meat-based, protein-rich food. But as we have seen, many seem confused about the type of meat and feeding methods. Chicken liver is one of those meats people aren’t sure about. Vets and experienced owners are often inundated with questions like can cats eat chicken liver? Does chicken […]

Can Cats Eat Biscuits? Interesting Facts!

gray cat sitting near white cup black

Can Cats Eat Biscuits? Yes—and no. Yes, because cats can eat biscuits in a moderate amount without having an adverse effect on their health. But feeding your cats biscuits is not recommended because they contain salt, sugar, milk, and butter. These ingredients, especially when consumed in excess, can negatively affect your cat’s health.   Cats […]